lifeway kids
Rethink VBS Recruiting
4 Reasons VBS is Mission-Critical for Your Entire Church
The Church has an evangelism crisis and one of the best methods of spreading the gospel—VBS—is diminishing. It’s time to face the problem and realize we must approach this crisis with urgency. Here are four reasons VBS is critical to the mission of your church—making disciples and reaching your neighbors with the gospel. 1. VBS…
7 Reasons For Nurturing A VBS/Adult Ministry Partnership
Zoom In On VBS Previews!
If you’ve never before attended a VBS Preview event, you are missing out! Previews are the best way to build excitement for VBS, train your key leaders, network with others who love VBS as much as you, and get inside tips and tricks from VBS experts. Come discover what Magnified! is all about from the team…
6 Reasons to Enlist Key VBS Leaders Now
VBS is months away and the holidays are rapidly approaching. With so many other things on the to-do list, why worry about enlisting leaders for VBS so early? Well, here are six reasons you should enlist key VBS leaders before the holidays: Speaking of VBS Preview, we would love for you and your team to…