LifeWay's VBS 2016
Missed Opportunities
There is Still Time to Train for Submerged VBS
You may be thinking it is too late to be trained for VBS 2016, but don’t despair. FREE training for Lifeway’s Submerged VBS is available at for workers with preschoolers and grade school-age kids. All that is needed is a computer and 15 to 20 minutes and your time and you will receive a…
What Gift Are You Giving Your Workers the Week Before VBS?
Last Tuesday I wrote about Flake’s Formula. A five-step process for growing your Sunday School that I believe also applies to VBS. After all, knowing the possibilities, enlarging the organization, providing space, enlisting workers, and going after the people is as vital to growing your VBS as it is to any other ministry. You…
Monday Morning Checklist – Provide Training Options
With VBS just a few weeks away you want to make sure every worker is adequately trained. Approximately 60,000 VBS workers are trained to use Lifeway’s VBS resources every year, and we have statistics that indicate for every person trained there is 1.5 professions of faith. Is there a better reason to make sure every…
Time to Place a Call to the VBS Myth Busters
VBS follow-up automatically happens, right? Sure it does – at least in the land of myths and assumptions. While we are not sure who is responsible or who actually makes the contacts, we are sure if it is important enough someone has already taken care of it. “After all, I was only enlisted to serve…