What's New for Lifeway's VBS 2016
Type Fonts—Houndcats PB (Headers for Preschool and Children), Matchwood WF (Headers for VBX, Student, Adult), Hurme Geometric Sans 4 Regular (Body for all interior copy), Bello Script (this font was only used as inspiration for hand-drawn lettering for t-shirt designs)
All age-group leader packs—The instruction sheet is now on the CD-ROM (instead of a pack item). Each pack item will have instructions for prep and use printed on the bottom corner, which may be cut off by the teacher if desired.
Missions Leader Guide—All the insert items can also be printed off the DVD-ROM in the front of the leader guide. Suggestions for adapting activities to a large group setting are given in the margins.
Craft Packs—There are a total of six craft packs this year. Four are preschool friendly and one is noted as preteen friendly.
Preschool Bible Story Picture Coloring Pages—Black and white drawings of the Bible Story Pictures are available on the 3s–Pre-K Enhanced CD (located in 3s–Pre-K leader pack) as well as the Preschool Music Rotation Enhanced CD (located in preschool rotation pack).
Preschool Music Motions—Video instructions of these simple motions will be available online at www.lifeway.com/VBS in January 2016.
Decorating Made Easy—Totally reformatted this year to make things easier than ever! Users are encouraged to pick a few key elements, make multiples, and use them in several different areas around their VBS.
- Now includes a DVD-ROM with decorating videos (walk through of large-scale decorations from Lifeway).
- Step-by-step directions for large-scale decorations are back this year!
- Pages are perforated to facilitate delegation and collaboration (with each set of instructions contained on a single page).
- Reproducible pages for transparencies.
- Full color insert tells you which ready-made items work together so that all you have to do is grab, hang, and go… ZERO prep required!
- In addition to clip art, we’ve added high res THEME ART to the DVD-ROM (layered Photoshop files… to be used for enlarging and commercial printing).
Preschool Keepsake Book—New heavyweight cover to stand up to handling by young preschoolers… also includes punch-out picture frame on front cover.
Dive Kits—This year’s learner pieces include large daily activity cards, which are an answer to customer requests for something for kids to do each day.
When and where will the preview be in Houston, TX?
I believe the Southern Baptist of Texas Conventions conducts an annual training in the Houston area. You might wish to contact the state convention office to confirm. LifeWay will once again host a Preview at Travis Avenue Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, January 15-16. For more information check out Events at lifeway.com/vbs.
Is it possible to just order the Craft leader’s book?
Definitely! VBS 2016 Crafts Rotation Leader Guide (005732142) $5.49. Call 1.800.458.2772.
I just want to say…. I LOVE THE SHIRTS THIS YEAR!!!!! WOOOHOO!!!