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IS VBS WoRth It?
Uncovering how one week can transform your church.
Adults who attend VBS have overwhelmingly positive memories of the experience. 69% of American parents will encourage their child to participate in a VBS event at a church they don’t attend if invited by one of their friends. If you total it up VBS results in 15 hours of intense discipleship, the gospel being shared daily, and 7 months of ministry in 1 week. IT’S WORTH IT!

Why Lifeway VBS?
With so many options available people often get caught up on the VBS theme or look. At Lifeway we say that the THEME DOESN’T MATTER… YOUR KIDS DO! We believe that the content is what is the most important aspect of any VBS program.
7 Distinctives
1. Gospel Centered
2. Trustworthy Content
3. In-Depth Bible Study
4. For All Ages
5. Flexible & Customizable
6. Equips Parents
7. Custom Music & Media