LifeWay's VBS 2014
It's Time to Report Your VBS
From the Archives: Telling Your Church About VBS Part 1
VBS 2014 may be behind you, but it’s never too early to begin spreading the word about VBS 2015. As Lifeway’s VBS team celebrates 90 years of providing trustworthy curriculum and training, I have been searching the archives for wisdom and tips that are as relevant today as when first published. Here are six ways…
VBS 2014 Director's Evaluation
How Are You Connecting with Parents?
Church leaders attending VBS Previews in January and February were challenged to make Connection Groups part of their VBS planning. A Connection Group is a Sunday School/small group class designed specifically for the unchurched parents identified during VBS, and scheduled to begin the first Sunday after VBS. I have heard some great stories from churches…
Shining in Your Sweet Spot
A couple of years ago we had one of “those” VBS weeks. Unexpected illnesses and surgeries and countless other things derailed our VBS plans. Thankfully people rallied and jumped in to do things outside of their norm. We “accidentally” discovered something great. We found a lot of people’s VBS sweet spot. One lady who “always”…