VBS 2014 Director's Evaluation
You’ve finished your week of VBS, the decorations are down and stored, the rooms have been cleaned… it’s time to breathe a sigh of relief, right? Well, not exactly. There’s one more tiny little thing we would like to ask you to do. I promise it won’t take that long and the information you share is invaluable to our team at Lifeway.
We would like you to fill out the Director’s Evaluation found in the Administrative Guide and mail it in. Or if you would rather you can click here and submit it electronically.
You may be wondering what we do with the information we receive and why it is important that we hear from you. Here are just a few of the reasons we think it is important to hear from you:
1. We don’t want to change what’s working. If we don’t hear from you that you like something, we may assume incorrectly that it is not of value.
2. We do want to change what’s not working. Again we won’t know it’s not working if we don’t hear from you.
3. We want to make VBS easy for you. Some of our best suggestions have come from you, our customers.
4. We want to serve you in your mission of reaching the kids in your church and community for Christ.
Every year, I personally read each and every evaluation that is submitted. I forward all the data gathered on to the VBS team and management. If there is a suggestion that we are able to implement, we try to get it in for the following year depending on where we are in our production schedule. We truly value hearing from you, so please take a moment to share your VBS experience with us.
All of my teachers thought the materials this year were wonderful. The best that they had ever worked with. The only sour note that I know of currently is the VBS website that we’re supposed to use to manage our kids, address, etc. My helper there has done it for the last several years. We purchased the system when it became available several years and worked with it each year. However the changes that have been made are horrible, I can’t tell you how many times I heard “We used to be able to do that but with this new system we can’t”. She has emailed lifeway several times when she kept running into problems and most times there wasn’t a good answer to solve the issues. Sometimes things just need to be left alone. If you want some more info on this, just contact me back and I'[ll put Monica in touch with you since she’s the experienced one. Looking forward to next year!
During VBS this year, over 900 kids showed up at my church! And on Thursday, when the Gospel was preached by our senior pastor, 95 kids accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and over 50 decided to be baptized!