Monday Morning Checklist
Monday Morning Checklist – Provide Training Options
With VBS just a few weeks away you want to make sure every worker is adequately trained. Approximately 60,000 VBS workers are trained to use Lifeway’s VBS resources every year, and we have statistics that indicate for every person trained there is 1.5 professions of faith. Is there a better reason to make sure every…
Monday Morning Checklist – Time to Make a Major Enlistment Push
The week following Easter we typically see a surge in VBS activity. It may actually be the biggest VBS week of the year. Not for conducting Bible schools, but for planning, enlisting, and purchasing resources. Now that the activities and services of Holy Week have passed, a large number of church leaders turn their attentions…
Monday Morning Checklist – Meet with Your Leadership Team
By now you should have met with the pastor, enlisted prayer warriors, scheduled VBS dates and times, enlisted a leadership team, ordered your VBS 2016 Jump Start and Starter Kits, prepared for training events, set goals, created a budget and planning calendar, begun plans for continued connections, initiated promotion plans, started general enlistment, and recruited…
Monday Morning Checklist – Enlist a Decorations Team
A statement we often hear from prospective VBS workers is they do not have the talent, skills, or time to create engaging decorations. They might volunteer to teach Bible study, missions, or crafts, but not if they are also expected to decorate. Since you are most likely in the midst of recruiting workers, now…
Monday Morning Checklist – Meet with Promotion Team
Is it ever too early to begin promoting VBS? Good question, but of course there is no simple answer. VBS promotion (or publicity) is best when released in waves. With each wave the amount of information provided expands along with the target audience. Here’s an example: Wave 1 announces the date and time to the…