Monday Morning Checklist – Promote National Day of Prayer for VBS
Obviously prayer is an important part of every aspect of your VBS, but it is also important to take time to pray for Bible schools that will be taking place down the street and around the world.
This Sunday, May 15, is National Day of Prayer for VBS. Traditionally the third Sunday of May is a time set aside to pray for the Vacation Bible School ministry as a whole. It is a day to not only pray for the impact of your VBS, but every VBS in your community, state, nation, and yes, the world.
Take a moment this week to send a message to Sunday School leaders asking them to include VBS in their class prayer time this Sunday and every Sunday through August. Consider assigning each class a different church to pray for. Encourage class leaders to send a note to the church with the promise of continued praye
I have written a short skit for each night of VBS to go along with the bible story. I will be glad to share them with anyone that would like to use them. Just email me at [email protected].