In the Wild
Enlisting, Equipping, and Encouraging VBS Workers
by Bill Emeott Lead Ministry Specialist | Lifeway Kids I hear the same concerns in church after church: “We don’t have enough workers!” In some cases, I’ve even heard of churches that have cancelled Vacation Bible School because they couldn’t find workers to serve. So, what is the answer? I wish I had a magic…
Decorating Dilemmas
DIY Photo Frames for Photo Ops
So Long, CD-ROMs!
With the changing of technology comes a significant change in our VBS 2019 curriculum. In the past, every Bible study leader pack included a CD-ROM with a few of the VBS songs and printable teaching helps. But with more and more computers now being manufactured without disc readers, it has become difficult for many people…
An In-Depth Look at In the Wild
This summer, Lifeway’s VBS will let you get up close and personal with elephants and egrets, polar bears and penguins, cockatoos and crocodiles, and so much more! That’s right, VBS is going In the Wild! Grab your favorite camera and buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride into seven animal-covered settings: Panoramic Point Watering…