Enlisting, Equipping, and Encouraging VBS Workers
by Bill Emeott
Lead Ministry Specialist | Lifeway Kids
I hear the same concerns in church after church: “We don’t have enough workers!” In some cases, I’ve even heard of churches that have cancelled Vacation Bible School because they couldn’t find workers to serve. So, what is the answer?
I wish I had a magic pill that when placed in a glass of water a ready, willing, and trained worker would pop up. Unfortunately, I don’t, but what I do offer are some principles that I think will help with your enlistment and even promote retention year after year.
- KNOW THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL. As much as you want to have a successful VBS, much more so the Lord Jesus Christ wants that for you, your church, and the kiddos who will be attending. Pray for workers. Pray for workers. Pray that God will lead your path to intersect with those He’s preparing to serve. Pray for people who need to be attentive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in regards to VBS. Pray, pray, PRAY!
- RECRUIT WITH A VISION. Everyone wants to be a part of something that’s important and VBS IS IMPORTANT. Start with the vision, the mission, and the goal. Start with the why of VBS. In most churches, VBS is the most focused evangelistic opportunity of the year. Lead with the dream of seeing boys and girls and their families come to know Jesus. That compelling mission is something for which folks will get on board.
- BE ORGANIZED. No one wants to be a part of a hot mess. Get organized and present an organized front. Know what your needs are and when asked, be ready to clearly present those needs. Organization makes a difference.
- BE ENTHUSIASTIC. You should be the most excited person in your church when it comes to VBS. Excitement is contagious. People get excited about what you’re excited about. Be the catalyst for enthusiasm when it come to VBS.
- SHARE THE JOY. You don’t have to do all the enlisting alone. Start by recruiting leaders of various areas within your VBS and empower them to enlist those who will be working with them. Enlist a VBS Preschool director to enlist lead preschool teachers who will then enlist the teachers who will work directly with them. The same goes for every major department within your VBS.
- USE A MINISTRY DESCRIPTION. I’m not talking about a three-page document that has to be read with an attorney. I’m talking about a half page, bullet-pointed list of what it is you are asking someone to do. People don’t live up to our expectations because they don’t know what we expect. It’s a lot easier to say yes when you know what you’re being asked to do.
- DON’T FORGET THE MEN. Kids need to see men serving. Don’t assume they won’t. Guys make great VBS volunteers. Keep in mind that men want to know their role is important. They’re not interested in serving in the middle of a hot mess, and they want to know what it is you’re asking them to do.
- CONSIDER THE BUDDY SYSTEM. Often, friends are more apt to agree to work together than if you ask them to serve alone. Consider best friends serving together or even sharing larger, more demanding roles. I’ve been surprised at the difference in response when I ask good friends to serve together.
Don’t just enlist and leave them hanging. Equip and empower recruits for success.
- TRAIN THEM. A lot of people won’t volunteer because they don’t think they’re “teacher” material. However, most everyone can be taught, and part of your role as VBS leader is to train recruits for the tasks at hand.
- Provide information and encourage workers to attend local training events. Conventions and associations of churches often pool their resources to provide training. Seek those opportunities and share them with your leaders.
- Consider hosting a training/kick-off party at your church. Provide a themed snack or meal, share needed details regarding your upcoming VBS, and enlist your team leaders to lead their teams in training.
- One-on-one training around a cup of coffee might be your best bet. Meet at a local coffee shop with those in whom you need to invest.
- Online training is an option. Simple hand-held or propped up smart-phone videos texted or emailed to your team can be an effective way to get information and training out to your folks. Be creative.
- EQUIP THEM. Not only do folks need training; they need equipping. Equip your leaders with the resources they need.
- Curriculum. It’s been said that curriculum is only as good as the teacher teaching it, but I’ve found that many teachers (especially new teachers) are only as good as the curriculum that’s been provided. Make sure you’re choosing curriculum that is Bible-based, age-appropriate, and child-centered.
- Resources. Provide the resources and equipment your folks will need. If your church has a supply closet, make sure it’s fully stocked and your volunteers know they can access those resources. If there are unique resource needs, agree to assist in providing necessary items. Budgets are limited, both at church and at home. Don’t let VBS be a financial burden to your leaders. Work to find a solution.
Providing support and appreciation goes a long way toward a happy recruit. Don’t enlist them and leave them. Be there for your team. Encourage them with Scripture, pats on the back, emails, handwritten notes, and other fun ways to express appreciation. Remind VBS workers that what they’re doing is truly making a difference—an eternal difference. Cheer your leaders on to victory and success.
PRAY about your God-given talents that YOU can share IN THE WILD this summer @ your local church. May God richly bless you as you bless the VBS children.
We have enjoyed the music and easier motions this year.
One quick question: Why does Lifeway not make a split track for the lyric video? This is the video we use for our VBS musical night and we have to play the split track from one location and try to get the lyric video to line up.
I have had several churches ask me the same question.
We have stayed away from video split tracks because if played through a TV/DVD player, you will always be subject to the wiring of the manufacturer. Not all churches have the capability to run their audio through a sound board, so we need to make sure it works cleanly for basic tech. If using with a DVD player, often a church will pop the DVD in and only hear background vocals or will only hear one or the other (left or right) audio channels. If you would like split track to accompany your video, we recommend you drag the video into a presentation software such as ProPresenter and sync it with the split audio track from the Music Rotation and Musical CD.
Our church has not had VBS since the summer before COVID so these reminders were great and very encouraging especially the first one … Pray! Pray! Pray!