DIY Photo Frames for Photo Ops
Photography is a big part of In the Wild VBS. It’s not just about snapping the perfect picture of an animal in the wild, but it’s zooming in on 5 key “snapshots” of Jesus in Scripture that help us to see the big picture of who He is, why He came, and why that matters to you and me! So why not create an oversized Polaroid® frame that families, friends, and even classes can use to capture snapshots of their memories from VBS? It’s a super fun (and definitely on theme) photo op to use before, during, AND after VBS!
The photo op props you see in this picture are included in the VBS 2019 Wall Art … perforated and ready to go! You can also add wearable props such as the VBS 2019 Animal Headbands or VBS 2019 Kids Wraps or include animal inflatables such as the VBS 2019 Inflatable Frog or the Jumbo Inflatable Elephant.
The frame can be cut out of standard white poster board, or out of something more durable such as foam core, project board, or cardboard. (NOTE: Dimensions will vary based on the original size of the material used. Draw out everything lightly with a pencil first. Step back and make sure you are happy with the look before cutting. Make adjustments as needed.)
Handheld Frame Made Out of Poster Board (22-by-28-inches) 
- Cut the poster board down to 22-by-27-inches. Measure 8 inches up from the bottom edge and draw a straight line across.
- Measure 3 inches in from all other sides (left, right, and top). Draw straight lines. You should now have a rectangle inset 3 inches from 3 sides and 8 inches from the bottom.
- Hold the pencil-sketched frame up and test it to make sure you are happy with the height and width of the opening (once cut) and the width of the handholds (sides). Make any adjustments needed.
- Carefully cut out the interior rectangle and discard.
- Print “In the Wild,” “VBS 2019,” or another label of your choosing in the space at the bottom of the frame. Decorate as desired with theme or animal stickers or stamped animal prints.
- Invite kids to hold up the frame as you take their picture. Provide things such as VBS 2019 Animal Headbands, VBS 2019 Hand Puppet Decals, VBS 2019 Inflatable Frog, or VBS 2019 Kids Wraps for kids to use while taking their pictures.
Large Frame Made Out of Foam Board or Cardboard (4-by-8-feet) 
- Cut the board down to 4-by-5-feet. Lay out the board so that it is 4-feet wide and 5-feet tall.
- Measure 18 inches up from the bottom edge and draw a straight line across.
- Measure 6 inches in from all other sides (left, right, and top). Draw straight lines. You should now have a rectangle inset 6 inches from three sides and 18 inches from the bottom.
- Hold the pencil-sketched frame up and test it to make sure you are happy with the height and width of the opening (once cut) and the width of the handholds (sides). Make any adjustments needed.
- Carefully cut out the interior rectangle and discard.
- Paint the entire frame white and allow to dry completely. Make sure to paint the inside and outside edges of the frame as well.
- Print “In the Wild,” “VBS 2019,” or another label of your choosing in the space at the bottom of the frame and decorate as desired.
This and other great ideas can be found in the Decorating Made Easy book. How will you use this photo frame in your VBS?
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