Foto Friday. . .Clip Art revisited!
Hi everyone! I was trying to get the foam plane from EXPO posted today but I don’t think it will go out today. The Nashville Preview is going on right now, so I don’t want to rush the instructions. The instructions and the template will go out this weekend, so keep an eye out for it! I promise! But I did want to repost this blog post (below). I’ve had several people ask me this week about the airplane with the 2 punch out faces, so I wanted to make it easier to find!
Clip art, clip art clip art. . . that’s the world I live in right now! I’m currently pulling all of our clip art together to be used in different locations. So, when I sat down to write my blog post for Foto Friday, I didn’t have a clue as to what to write. Then it hit me! Clip Art! I wanted to give you all some clip art that you might be able to use. I know our website is still being worked on, files being loaded. . .clip art included but they are not available yet, so here’s some!
Update: Be sure to check out the VBS Logos post!
I’m going to do 2 batches. . .JPG and PNG files. So here are the JPGs!
Here’s a fun one! You can print this one out, cut out the faces and then paste your pastor’s face, VBS director’s face, etc. into it! Here’s Gordon and me “flying” the plane! ! !
Now for the PNG files!
I hope you all like what I posted! Sorry for the number of them but I got excited thinking about all the possibilities! ! !
Thanks Keith. I’m working on our bulletin board update as we speak!
Looks really great!
How were the rocks made in the Victorian Falls picture of the waterfall? Would like to know the materials that were used.
Thanks for the extra photo files! Any idea if the “postcard” picture scattered through the website will be made available at all? Would LOVE to be able to use those in our VBS Promotion materials…