VBS Geek of the Week!
Next week we are starting a brand new feature here on the VBS blog, and we hope you’ll love it as much as our very own VBS geeks here at Lifeway do! Each week we’ll be featuring a VBS fan as the VBS Geek of the Week! Not only will we be featuring a little bit about you here on the blog, but there’s a pretty cool gift in the works for anyone featured (more on that coming soon)!
I’m sure you’re wondering, “What does it take to be selected as a VBS Geek of the Week?” I’d say you could look to some of our very own VBS bloggers for some ideas:
- You may be a VBS geek if you … dress up like a kangaroo for VBS.
- You may be a VBS geek if you … get really excited when you see previous VBS shirts around town and post them to Twitter (yours truly).
- You may be a VBS geek if you … find a thousand uses for the VBS inflatables.
- You may be a VBS geek if you … can never throw anything away because it MIGHT be useful to decorate for next year’s theme.
- You may be a VBS geek if you … have already Photoshopped your picture into this year’s AWA stand up.
- You may be a VBS geek if you … can name all of these tunes.
But, the biggest must have to be a VBS geek, is to be passionate about sharing Christ with kids! Don’t you love that we get to do what we’re passionate about and have so much fun!
So here’s your chance, let us know who you think deserves to be an official VBS Geek of the Week! You can nominate yourself or a friend, just leave a comment below!
VBS Craft Geek is Ms Lorrie who never cares how much glue or glitter is on the floor as long as the kids have fun and learn about Jesus!
VBS Music Geek is Ms Claire who would bring a group of kids over to her house for two weeks straight prior to VBS to learn the songs and moves…my kids were lucky enough to be mentored by this wonderful lady…plus, she always had great homemade snacks that my kids would say “she actually made them mom, they didn’t come out of a box.”
ARE YOU KIDDING…I AM THE BIGGEST VBS GEEK!!! At my church I am known as the VBS NERD!! I truly love VBS and recognize that it is the biggest event on our church calendar. What an opportunity to open the doors of our church for 5 straight days and have folks who would never think about coming to “church” venturing in and out hearing the word of God!
Before VBS is over- I am planning the next and waiting for the reveal!! My wife just laughs at me and my assistant and her husband are traveling with us in Jannuary for VBS PREVIEW 2012! They give me a hard time even though we have a blast! My son says that I am the “VBS BOSS”!
God has given me the gift of “loving VBS” and I am privileged to use my talents for HIM and to share the gospel through such fun and excitement. I am truly blessed to be a part of a church that embraces my VBS craziness and “open the purse” financially to ensure that it is an amazing week!
Cindy and Charles, we’d love to get both of your contact information. Please email me at [email protected]!
Thank you!
My VBS geek is my husband. He serves in our home church as VBS Director, our Association as the VBS Director and on the South Carolina Baptist State VBS team for 2011 and again in 2012. He is involved in helping our Associational churches have a great VBS. He truly “Says Yes to VBS” all year long. His name is Ben Furr and his email address is [email protected].
PS-He is also my husband, so I am Mrs. VBS Geek!!
Susan Furr
I feel a little unsporting to nominate myself but really I just want to use this as an opportunity to share what I have learned from VBS. My name is Jared and I live in the UK, each summer for the past 3 years I have raised funds and flown over to TX where I have worked with the kids/youth of a church. Ever since my first VBS (Boomerang Express) I have just developed a massive heart for Kid’s work and returned each year since. This has led to me making many new friends whilst also being an amazing encouragement seeing the kids I worked with turn into young men and women. Through VBS I have decided that my calling is to work with kids and next fall I intend to start college and study towards becoming a teacher. I also intend to go back to the states next summer because the thought of a year without VBS just breaks my heart! I stayed up til silly o’clock UK time to watch the AWA launch and now all the songs are in my head I’m excited to return for VBS 2012. I must be one of the few people in my country with an I <3 VBS shirt, I wear it with pride because it gives me a route to share my faith whilst also helping me to remember to thank God for all he has done for me and all he will do. Have a great day friends!
Janet Meyers is FOR SURE a VBS geek at FBC Keller, TX.
If she were to get a tattoo, it would say ‘How you gonna say ya, ya, ya, ya yes to va, va, VBS?’.
If she were to be stranded on a desert island, she would have a Bible and her VBS CD.
If she were to take a vacation, it would be to Nashville for a VBS training event.
If she were to win the lottery, she’d buy out the Lifeway catalog.
If she believed in reincarnation, she’d come back as Jeff Slaughter.
If she could reach the whole world for Christ, she’d follow up by enrolling them in VBS 2012.
Seriously, she put 7 miles (confirmed by her pedometer) on her shoes every day of VBS, and still had the energy to plan for next year’s VBS during this year’s!
She’s definitely VBS geek of the week material.
well, we (myself and my assistant) started as soon as we found out the theme for this coming year’s VBS buying all the airplane stuff we could find. We hit up Dollar General. We are not sure how we are going to use any of it yet but we know we will find something to use it for. After all who can pass up $.10 (10 cent) airplanes. We also are turning our taxis in to planes. The preschoolers had a blast wearing those box taxis and pretending to drive all over the place. They will love even more to pretend they are airplanes and fly. We are also looking forward to the preview event.
My dear friend Suzette Watson is definitely a VBS Geek!!!! She and I are on the VBS directing team and have done this for 2 years. Before we formed a team she was the VBS director for many years and she loves VBS. She is super organized and keeps everyone in line. We are usually planning the next years VBS before we can finish the one we are working on. Suzette has such a Love for all of the kids that come to VBS and she loves seeing there faces light up when they see all the cool decorations, but most of all she loves that they are hearing God’s Word and learning about Jesus’ Love for them. Suzette definitely desrves to be a VBS Geek of the Week!!!
You may be a VBS geek …… if you start listening to the VBS musical and music rotation CD’s in Feburary !!!
Ha ha! I love it Sarah! That’s my favorite kind of geek!
I am a GEEK for sure! I have been directing VBS since Ocean Odyssey…folks at church have watched me get slimed, dress up for skits, get really loud talking about VBS or even getting a pie in the face! I am the VBS girl at church…I carry the enthusiasm thru the whole congregation..Was in the pilots club this year and am looking forward to the new theme and VBS 2012 has not even started yet! I LOVE VBS and love to wach the kids worship the Lord! I am even been seen out in public and one of the kids said to me you were the girl who was slimed at VBS! LOVE IT!