Foto Friday. . .VBS Logos! ! !
Hi everyone! It’s your fun-loving VBS graphic designer (who happens to love numbers as well. . .I know, I’m weird) and it’s that time of the week. . .Foto Friday!!! Why do I bring up the, “I love numbers” thing? I’m glad you asked! As Carol has stated in her “VBS By the Numbers” post, I like to check the number of views my blog posts receive and I’ve realized that my “Clip Art” post has had a lot of views! I also field a lot of calls, emails, etc about people wanting the past VBS logos.
So, I decided this week will be the VBS logos from 1997 (Good New Stampede) to 2012 (Amazing Wonders Aviation)! By the way, I have worked on every single one except Good News Stampede! My first day at Lifeway was the very first day of writer’s conference for StarQuest.
Yay! I love all of the “through the years” VBS stuff. We just had Jeff Slaughter in town with us last weekend. We had a VBS worker appreciate dinner and decorated the tables and social hall with things from each VBS from Good News Stampede to Big Apple Adventure. It was fun! It is a great heritage of Bible teaching!
Thanks for the run of the logos. The first year we really promoted VBS using the logos was Trail of Treasures in 1993 or 94. I’ve got some people that are big collectors of the stickers.
Our church has already seen the 2012 logo. It was displayed on our screens after the closing prayer on family night. The 2012 theme song provided the musical accompaniment as people exited the auditorium for the closing picnic. The AWA logo is also being displayed on various handouts I create for the church. Hopefully this will help build excitement for June.
Thank you so much for this! I love it and it brings back great memories!
You’re so talented! Thanks for sending these out. Seeing all these old logos put a smile on my face. It makes me think about all the fun we have with VBS, and all the creativity that goes beyond presenting the message.
I’m so glad to see everyone is loving the post! Thanks for the compliments too! I’ll pass them on to the team!
hey, thank you!!!! Traveling down memory lane! My 20 year old daughter and I reminisced and it helped us figure out what we did/where we were.
You started with her pre-K year! We shared what i helped with and what she remembered of her class. then as a youth and now young adult, what department or class we taught in 🙂 VBS, not just good for the grade schoolers !
I’m looking for Australian Outback songs tape from around 2000 – 2003.
One of the song lyrics contained, “…join the jumping kangaroo, yes, so many things to do…in God’s big family…”. It may not be entirely accurate. The kids bounced up and down in their seats on one part. I hope you can help!
Sorry, that song was not part of LifeWay’s VBS resources. LifeWay did do a VBS theme in 2009 that was set in Australia, but it did not include any songs with those (or similar) lyrics.