Advice From the Experts – Enlisting Workers
The best VBS leaders are learners, and the best learners enjoy sharing with others what they have learned through trial and error. Following are words of advice that have been collected through the years from great leader-learners just like you.
- Ask the pastor to personally recruit men to greet, escort kids, and serve on the security and parking lot teams.
- Recruit volunteers face to face. Personally invite members to help.
- Give each worker a free t-shirt. Ask them to wear the shirts the Sunday before VBS as well as during the VBS week.
- List skill sets on recruitment cards instead of listing jobs. Members can then match their skills and interest to worker opportunities.
- Make enlistment fun for the potential workers and yourself. Conduct an Enlistment Sunday and turn the foyer or other public area into a party following the morning service.
- Don’t enlist workers because you are desperate, but because you are giving them an opportunity to serve.
JOIN THE CONVERSATION: What advice do you have concerning enlisting VBS workers?
Good morning! I ran across your comments while looking for ways to enlist help for this year’s VBS. You mentioned “recruitment cards.” Would you have an example of a card? If so, I would so appreciate seeing it.