Journey Off the Map for Preschoolers and Kindergartners
VBS 2015 includes several Bible stories that are familiar to many preschoolers and preschool teachers. There are also two Bible stories which are being used for the first time in VBS with preschoolers. But before you shake your head and think “they’ve lost their minds,” take a second look at these two Bible stories. As you’ll see in the summaries below, we’ve taken care to tell both Bible stories in such a way that the focus remains on the power of God to protect rather than the scary details of each situation.
With Babies–2s, there is no mention of fire or furnace or a lions’ den whatsoever. Young children will simply hear that God always took care of Daniel and his friends and God will take care of them, too. 3-year-olds through rising 1st graders, will come away seeing God clearly as the hero of these Bible stories. The focus is always on God, not on the scary situations. When you move beyond the first things that come to mind when you think of “the fiery furnace” or “Daniel in the lions’ den” Bible stories, you see that the rich truths that are really the point of these stories are appropriate for every age. God loves us (and sometimes demonstrates His love in dramatic ways—including sending His Son, Jesus); God takes care of us (both now and forever); God hears us when we talk to Him (pray); God is trustworthy; we can choose to obey God, no matter what.
Day 1
Know Your Guide
Matthew 4:23-25; Luke 2:8-11; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5; Galatians 4:4-5
Bible Story Summary: God sent His Son, Jesus, to be born. When Jesus grew up, He traveled many places and taught people about God. Jesus cared about people. He made sick people well and fed people who were hungry.
Jesus did things no one else could do. Jesus always did what God wanted Him to do.
Day 2
Follow Your Guide
Daniel 1
Bible Story Summary: Daniel and his friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) went to live in the king’s palace. They were given foods that were against God’s laws to eat. Daniel and his friends chose to obey God. So they ate vegetables and drank water instead of the king’s food. God helped Daniel and his friends obey.
Day 3
Trust Your Guide
Daniel 3
Bible Story Summary: King Nebuchadnezzar did not love God. He wanted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to do something that God said not to do. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego chose to obey God. This made the king so angry that he wanted to hurt them. But God took care of them and kept them safe.
Day 4
Stay on Track
Daniel 6
Bible Story Summary: Daniel loved God and obeyed Him. Daniel prayed to God every day. The king made a law that said people may not pray to anyone except the king. But Daniel knew what was right. He kept praying to God. God always took care of Daniel and kept him safe.
Day 5
Keep Watching
Daniel 10:7-12; 12:13, John 14:1-4, Revelation 22:7
Bible Story Summary: When Daniel was an old man, God sent a messenger to Daniel. The messenger said, “Daniel, you are special to God. God heard you every time you talked to Him. God will always take care of you.” The messenger told Daniel that God had a plan to always love and care for people.
Jesus, God’s Son, told about God’s plan for people, too.
It almost feels like we are trying to sanitize the stories of Daniel and his friends. As a mother and grandmother, I do not remember ever seeing any of my children or grandchildren being afraid of the things God saved these men from. Very real evil is all around children: should we not give them tools to see God’s love through all of this? Just a thought.