From the Archives: Telling Your Church About VBS Part 3
Too often we VBS Groupies mistakenly assume everyone is as aware and enthused about VBS as we are. The truth is, no matter the size of the congregation, most members are unaware of and concerned about the dates, details, and needs of VBS until they are publicized and promoted. Even then little notice is taken to the first announcement. This is why we must actively and intentionally promote VBS to the congregation as well as the community.
I know it seems a little early to begin promoting VBS 2015, but it is definitely not too early to begin planning how you will promote when the time comes. Here are four more ways to add to the ideas previously posted in Part 1 and Part 2.
1. Visit every Sunday School/small group class to explain the purpose and opportunities of VBS.
2. Send a personal letter to everyone who served during VBS 2014.
3. Create a video presentation using video and photos from VBS 2014.
4. Use skits and dramas (both live and video) during worship services, church business meetings, and other ministry events.
Celebrating 90: Lifeway Christian Resources began publishing VBS resources in 1925 under the leadership of Drs. Marion Frost and Homer Grice.
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