It’s Time to Report Your VBS!
IT’S TIME TO REPORT YOUR VBS It’s nearing the end of summer, but that doesn’t mean VBS season is over! Our Facebook and Instagram feeds have been full of churches all over the world doing VBS creatively this summer. It is so incredible to see people pouring into the next generation of youth and teaching…
10 Tips for Follow-Up After VBS
VBS 2024 Volunteer Appreciation
zoom in on next summer’s vbs
Increase Your Reach with Lifeway One Source
What are your plans to promote VBS to unchurched families in your community? Lifeway OneSource’s Prospect Services can help your church reach your community easily and purposefully. With Prospect Services, you can create customized invitation cards for your leaders and volunteers to distribute to their neighbors, friends, and coworkers. To promote your VBS on a larger scale, pair customized invitation postcards…