Progress Report
Traditionally, the most common month for churches to conduct VBS is June. If this is true for your church, then VBS is only a couple of months away. Don’t panic, we’re here to help! Let’s do a quick progress report and make sure everything is on track from the vantage point of 2–3 months out.
- By now you should have all of your key leadership in place. Keep working to fill holes for Bible study lead teachers, assistant teachers, and rotation leaders.
- Order VBS curriculum and distribute it to teachers.
- Finalize the daily schedule.
- Conduct the first planning/training meeting. VBS-specific training takes place each spring all across North America. Contact your state convention or local association offices to find training near you.
- Open registration. (Want to make registration easy? Let Lifeway’s KidEvent Pro do the work for you! Visit to find out more.)
- Distribute Supply Request Forms to teachers with a specific deadline for returning them. (Supply Request Forms may be printed from the CD-ROM included in the Administrative Guide.)
- Schedule a Planning Day (or multiple days) for volunteers to meet together and collaborate on lesson-planning, schedules, decorations, and so forth.
- Plan VBS Celebration activities (ideas available on page 53 of the Administrative Guide).
- Finalize your plan for promoting your VBS in the community. Promotion should begin 1–2 months ahead of your VBS date.
- Set a plan for following up with families who visit your church and with children who make a decision during VBS.
Take a moment and evaluate your VBS readiness. Got everything on this list already checked off? Great! Sounds like you’re in great shape for VBS. Still a few things to do? No worries, there’s still plenty of time. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Ask a few friends or experienced VBS volunteers to help you tackle whatever is left on the list. Divide and conquer or get together and knock it out as a team. Ask God to send you what you need—volunteers, resources, help, space. He is faithful and He will see you through!
I am feeling pretty good. 99% is done.???