Monday Morning Checklist – Set Goals
Setting goals is like creating a series of targets for your VBS. It is impossible to hit a target that doesn’t exist, but once a target or goal has been created you have something to shoot for.
Goals give you a means for evaluating your efforts. Of course the real success of VBS is the lives, families, churches, and communities that are transformed. While it is difficult to evaluate spiritual transformation numerically, there are many areas of VBS that can be evaluated numerically.
As you begin planning for VBS 2016 consider establishing goals for each of the following:
* Number of unchurched families reached
* Number of professions of faith
* Number of other decisions (call to vocational ministry, rededications)
* Number registered
* Average daily attendance
* Number of unchurched families added to prospect file or added to Sunday School classes
* Number of workers needed
* Number of people involved in continued connection activities
* Mission offering collected
* Number of unchurched families attending VBS Celebration
Next week’s Monday Morning Checklist – Creating a Detailed Budget
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