Advice From the Experts – Snacks
The best VBS leaders are learners, and the best learners enjoy sharing with others what they have learned through trial and error. Following are words of advice that have been collected through the years from great leader-learners just like you.
- Serve snacks outdoors for easier clean up.
- Provide alternative snacks for kids with allergies or medical conditions.
- Serve pre-packaged snacks that can be easily donated by church members.
- When serving snow cones place the ice in a cup instead of a cone.
- Buy in bulk and re-bag each child’s portion.
- Provide a daily attendance count to the snack team before rotations begin.
JOIN THE CONVERSATION: What advice do you have concerning providing snacks during VBS?
Hello!! This is not snack related. I am VBS director this year. I have a meeting with our educational minister today. I believe it is concerning the way we are planning to do evangelism. We would like to do it in the bible study rotation. We will have the evangelism team on stand by to meet with kiddos as they show interest. We plan to have a room for them to go where they can be counciled in a more personal manner. This would be done in our fellowship hall where there would still be people coming and going for safety purposes but it would be a smaller group setting & on the child’s terms. Traditionally it has been done at this church in a large group setting on ABC day. The VBS leadership team and I want to make it more intentional & to offer the gospel daily not just on Wednesday. If I can go in armed with some statistical literature to back up my plan it would be helpful. I thought I saw a blog posted by Jerry Wooley, but I cannot find it now?? Do you have any resources; articles written or blogs that I could reference in my meeting? Thank you for your help.