Advice From the Experts – Prayer Support
The best VBS leaders are learners, and the best learners enjoy sharing with others what they have learned through trial and error. Following are words of advice that have been collected through the years from great leader-learners just like you.
- Provide church members with a prayer calendar listing each worker, specific needs, and the goals of VBS.
- Text or e-mail messages to a pre-enlisted prayer team.
- Prior to the week of VBS conduct a prayer walk through every room that will be used.
- Assign specific kids and workers to prayer partners. Place the names of kids and workers on a ABC Wristband or a pocket-sized theme related item that can serve as a prayer reminder. Distribute prayer reminder a week or two before VBS.
- Enlist a prayer leader before enlisting other workers. Challenge the prayer leader to enlist a team, and to design ways to involve church members in praying for VBS.
- Create a VBS Prayer Room and enlist prayer warriors to staff the room during the hours of VBS.
JOIN THE CONVERSATION: What advice do you have concerning encouraging prayer support during VBS?
On the worship really DVD on disc two there are some bonus song videos. By chance is there a way to get a split track of the Bible books song Shine on me?