Freebie Friday
Who’s ready for a giveaway??? Last week we asked you to tell us the special skills your watch would have if you were a real special agent. Your answers did not disappoint! From seeing through walls to teleporting (to get all that VBS Director work done!) to a Scripture app to a Needometer that would allow a director to know what people need, there were a ton of fun answers! Our randomly selected winner said she would record clues with her special agent watch!
This week is another great giveaway… how would you like your very own VBS 2014 Inflatable Camera?!? (Cute kid not included.)
All you need to do to enter is log in below and submit your answer to this week’s question: “What do you do with pictures taken during VBS?” Do you create any kind of keepsake for kids? Class pictures? Scrapbooks? We want to hear your great ideas!
A winner will be chosen at random from all of the submissions. You have until Thursday at 24:00 hours to enter. Good luck, agents!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We take pictures all during VBS and make CD’s and show them to the church on the big screen. We also take pictures and put them in the frames that they make in the craft room. Sometimes we display them on a bulletin board.
My church uses the pictures taken through the week to produce a slide show. The Sunday after VBS it is displayed in the sanctuary before each service.
We also take individual class pictures. On Day 5 in the craft room the children decorate a frame and add the pics. They are a great keepsake!
This year we may use the Agent Communicator as the frame for these pictures!
We take pictures throughout the week of the children in different activities, then show a slide show at the end of the week. Watching the children and parents laugh and enjoy these pictures make all the hard work for VBS worth it.
We take picture through out the week and present them on family night in a Power Point presentation and also create craft picture frames of each child in a backdrop setting or area setup to look like the them of the year. For example for last year we had a roller coaster with pool noodles as seat harness they held and made faces at the camera.
we use our pictures as a follow up with kids. The teachers like to have a group picture and then either mail it to each child or hand deliver it the week after VBS.
We use our pictures on family night in a Power Point sharing all of the pictures with the families. Often, we use the pictures we have taken with our crafts for one of the items the kids can take home with them. And then we also put the pictures on the website of our church.
We use pictures in lots of different ways. We use them for next year’s promotion, keepsakes for the kids, and on our church website.
Our church using them for family night in a slide show for all the friends and family to see what we have been doing all week! We also post them on our facebook Church page.
We do several things with the pictures….make a running slide show for Family Celebration, post individual pictures in their classroom, make a WALL of FAME with all pictures that everyone can take the ones they want, any pics that are left go on memory boards (science project boards) for the history of the church.
I am going to take pictures through out the week and then upload them to Shutterfly and make a book. It will be like a yearbook that we get at school. We will keep it in our church library to check out. That way we will have memories for years to come. I just wish we had already done this previously. But better to start a good tradition now.
We use our picture to make a movie cd! The children love seeing their pics and name in the movie!
We always make a photo frame during crafts for each child’s photo. We also create a slide show that’s shown during commencement. Too cute!!
We do a slideshow that is show the Sunday after VBS concludes. Also during this service, we have the kids come up and sing a couple of the songs they learned during VBS.
What fun we have taking pictures! the kids are soo excited as we get pose pics and action pics during the week of VBS. In our worship center during our family night, we run all pics taken on the projector from a cd. parents and children love seeing our week, and enjoy in laughter. each child makes a craft to use a picture of themselves in front of the theme related back drop. we also make on cardstock a class picture on one side, the other side is the verification they attended our VBS which the director, pastor and childs teacher signs. we keep a copy of the CD of pics in our church library each year. Kids are awesome!
We make a slide show – and give each of the kids a take home picture of themselves enjoying VBS, in a frame they made during crafts.
We take all the photo’s during the week and create a slide show to the VBS music for the week and play it during Family Night on Friday! We also take a class picture of each class. The kids will make a photo frame in crafts and we will mail their class picture in the photo frame with a thank you note!
We take pictures throughout the week and use them in three main ways:
1) we put together a power point presentation that runs prior to the commencement service
2) we use painters tape in a loop on the back and attach them to the wall in the hall between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall and encourage the kids and their families to take any they would like to have after lunch that day
3) we put one of each child in a frame they make during crafts as a keepsake for them to keep
For years now my oldest daughter, who teaches videography at our local high school , comes to our church and captures on video all that’s going on.Then she makes a terrific video ( with music-usually from that year’s VBS music), & we show it to the kids & parents during the last night’s activities. She’ll make copies for those who want them. We show the video on Sunday morning after VBS. Everyone LOVES it! We also make
pictures of each child individually using the main stage as a background i.e. Last year they were sitting on the hay bales at the ranch. We put them in theme related frames & give them to the children to take home the last night. – along with other treasures they’ve made during the week. With God’s help, we try to make it a wonderful experience for each child.
We usually have a volunteer during the week that their only responsibility is to take video and photos. In the years past we have had a VBS bulletin board to display the pictures for everyone to enjoy.. We have also used them on our website. We show the video at our VBS Family Picnic Night for parents to see what an awesome week their kids experienced.
We would take pictures and use them on family night and on the Sunday following VBS to show the parents and church family. Class pictures and/or individual pictures were usually taken during craft time for each child to take home with them at the end of VBS. I always make sure that the church’s name and address is on the picture so the parents will have the contact information if needed.