Reunion Time!
By now more than half of all Bible schools for 2013 are over, which means the real work of VBS is just beginning – Continued Connections.
Follow-up has long been a term to describe the actions a church takes after VBS to stay connected with unchurched families who participated during the week of VBS. For many churches follow-up, if done at all, has become little more than a post card. That’s why we are changing the term to Continued Connections. Follow-up is more than one contact or one activity. To be successful the relationships begun during VBS must be nurtured and grown. It is an on-going process.
Last Tuesday I went back to the files and found a great birthday card idea, but again that is only one contact.
The file also revealed several suggestions for an end-of-summer or back-to-school VBS reunion. This is a great way to reconnect with unchurched families just as they are creating their fall routine. It is also the perfect time to introduce them to new Bible study groups or ministries that typically begin in the fall.
The great thing about a reunion is that it can be as simple or complicated as you desire. The main thing is to connect it through decorations, music, recreation and snacks to VBS. There is power in building upon memories by bringing people to a time and place where they had a positive experience.
Several VBS leaders shared that they pay attention during the week of VBS to the snacks and activities the kids enjoy most, and make sure they are part of the reunion. They also sing the VBS songs and recap the Bible content in a way that ties in with kids going back to school.
A VBS reunion is also a good idea for a fall festival. You already have the decorations in the closet!
Ginger Owens says
We loved the FIVE Backyard Bible Clubs that our student ministry did two weeks ago, having a blast with Vacation Bible School this week AND we will have a reunion for our Fall Festival! Riding the ride and having soooo much fun!
vbsguy says
Great report Ginger! If anyone is having fun at VBS it is the folks at FBC Panama City. I know you have some great continued connection ideas. How about sharing them with us when you have a moment.
Thanks for checking in.