Thanks for Your Prayers and Encouragement
Theme reveal day is one of the highlights of our year. I sure hope you tuned in and celebrated with us. Even though it comes in the midst of an extremely hectic time of year, it is a great thrill to finally reveal a secret we have been holding for 18 months. While it is fun to be one of the few with this top secret information, it is even more fun to share the secret with you!
I said hectic because there is a tremendous amount of VBS 2014 work going on in our world this week. Marketing videos are being shot starting Wednesday which means the graphics and marketing guys and gals are working around the clock getting the sets in place for the video crew. Another video crew, plus the team members responsible for music, is filming the music and motion instruction video throughout this week. The editorial and graphics teams are putting the finishing touches on a large number of resources in order to meet printing deadlines. The marketing team is meeting with the Lifeway Christian Stores to insure sales associates are trained on Agency D3 and store shelves will be stocked on the resource release dates. The team responsible for ordering resources from printers and manufacturers is making final decisions on quantities. The events team is finalizing breakout session leaders for Previews and working with the production team to create a stage design for the events. And, Rhonda and I are finalizing plans for VBS 2015 Think Tank (Yes, I meant 2015), working to make it possible for four churches to pilot the new Takin’ It Home CD, and making sure VBS 2013 Church Report Forms are mailed to 48,000 churches by the end of the week.
In addition to the above activity, several of our team members are working in VBS at their churches, all of us are fielding VBS 2013 questions from church leaders, part of the events team is participating in CentriKid Camp training in Kentucky, and one of our team members is out of the country on a mission trip!
I share all of this to say, we sure would appreciate your prayers. What is done this week will assist you in impacting the lives of millions and we only have one opportunity to get it right.
We take the privilege of helping you share the Gospel through VBS seriously. We know we have the best jobs in the world – after all we get to do VBS 52 weeks of the year – but we are daily reminded that we can not do it by our own wisdom, creativity or strength. We need the strength that comes from a Mighty Tower. We need the creativity that comes the greatest Creator of all. And, we need wisdom that can come only from the Great I Am.
I want to thank you for letting us work along side you in the mission of building bridges to the spiritual orphans of your community. Thank you for the wonderful expressions of appreciation you so often share with or team. And, thank you for your prayers. So many of you send us notes letting us know you are lifting us up to the Father. You’re the best! It is a great honor to work with and for you.
Q&A From Yesterday’s Theme Reveal
- Why do you release the next VBS when the current year has barely begun? We release the theme the first Monday of June because you spoke and we listened! Many church leaders like to announce their next VBS theme on the last day of VBS. Since the two biggest weeks of VBS are the first two weeks of June we time the reveal so the announcement can be made on the last day of your VBS or during VBS Celebration.
- Will there be another addition of Backyard Kids Club? Yes! The kit and Directors Guide look very similar to Colossal Coaster World but the content is pure Agency D3.
- Will there be student and adult resources for 2014? Definitely! One of the aspects of Lifeway’s VBS I am most proud of is that we offer VBS for the entire family, including kids and adults with special needs. Not only does the Bible study for every age group follow the same theme, whenever possible every age also studies the same Scripture passage. Occasionally a more age appropriate Scripture is used for preschoolers but in most instances the entire family studies the same passage. Combine this with the new Takin’ It Home CD and you have a winning combination for a true Family Vacation Bible School.
- Will there be a session on Agency D3 at Lifeway’s Kids Ministry Conference? Definitely! By attending KMC here in Nashville October 7 – 10 you will be one of the first to see, touch and experience Agency D3. To learn more and register for KMC click here.
- Will there be a second VBS theme for 2014? No, Club VBS will no longer be available.
Now, back to the fun and excitement of Colossal Coaster World! See you next week.
Oh no! I was saddened to read that you will no longer be offering Club VBS. We use that material to put on a 4 years through 2nd grade day camp and our kids have loved it. In truly saddened to realize that I am going to have to find a curriculum that will not have all of the curriculum elements we have come so accustomed to.
Will you release the full theme song or will we have to wait until December to purchase it?