Uncovering the Fun of Agency D3 Rotation Sites
One of the most fun aspects of any VBS theme besides the theme itself is the names and decorations of the rotation sites. When the room or area of Bible study, crafts, or missions is given a unique identity it transforms the ordinary and sparks imagination and adventure.
So many of you proposed such interesting possibilities for the theme – shipwreck, world travel, video game. I have to admit, the rotation sites for an Ireland theme could be great fun and I volunteer to personally travel to the Emerald Isle to check them out. Wish I could! Wish you could all go with me!
But as you know by now, Lifeway’s VBS 2014 is Agency D3: Discover. Decide. Defend. And what a fantastic VBS it is going to be! You are going to have great fun with the rotation sites. I promise!
But what does an investigation theme mean for rotation sites and decorations. Think high-tech labs, computers and monitors (you remember all those old computer monitors stashed in the closet?), intriguing gadgets, microscopes, test tubes, lab coats, black suits, and the list goes on and on. Think Mission Impossible, CSI, Get Smart, and Men in Black. Now before you say, “What is Lifeway thinking by promoting such shows?” Take a deep breath, we are not promoting any of the shows, nor do we reference them in any of the resources. However, we know the mention of these shows might just be the best way for many of you to get a vision for what the rotation sites will look like.
So are you ready for a quick introduction? Drum roll please! And the VBS 2014 Agency D3 rotation sites are:
Worship Rally – Headquarters
Bible Study – Evidence Vault
Missions – Map Room
Snacks – Break Room
Recreation – Training Ground
Crafts – The Lab
Music – Communication Hub
Before you panic, just remember, we have never left you wanting for ideas and we’re not leaving you hanging for VBS 2014.
As you read this our dream team of creative extraordinaries is hard at work creating sets that not only look awesome but are a fun re-purposing of some of the most unexpected items in your garage. They are the best at what they do because their designs and how-to instructions make YOU the best at what YOU do!
I would like to introduce you to the best styrofoam cutters in the business:
(Left to right) Keith Tyrrell, Gordon Brown, Melita Thomas, and Pam Goodwin.
Their designs will be featured in promotional videos, the VBS 2014 Catalog, and VBS 2014 Decorating Made Easy. Videos are actually being shot this week so we will be ready to share them with you soon and may even share a few photos before this day is over! Also these fab four will be at each of our Previews in January and February to personally help you transform your church into a kid’s wildest fantasy of Agency D3.
Als0, our Oklahoma Wonder and friend, Mark Jones is returning with his simplified and scaled down version of the sets. Mark is truly the King of Upcycling and never creates anything new if there is something from a previous VBS that will work. Mark (the creator of Mr. Mark’s Classroom) is one of our most loved Preview presenters and has already signed on to join us at Ridgecrest, Fort Worth, Nashville, and Kissimmee. (Learn more about Previews later today.)
Up next: Takin’ It Home
Hey, guys my wife and I have been waiting for the 2014 theme. It’s ironic that we work so hard to plan, set up, and execute the 2013 vbs set and then anticipate the new theme the day before our 13′ starts. She’s the director, I’m the set designer. Our thought was to take a play from the survivor TV show, and release the new 14′ theme on the heels and excitement on the last night of the 13′ week. I know from our side this sounds great, however for you and the decision makers it would be difficult. Just a thought from us two. Thanks Steve
Our 2013 Jungle Juant will end Thursday, I am getting ready for 2014 what are the other themes for VBS 2014? Our church goes with the 2 hour program.
Julie, this year was the last year for Club VBS. Stay tuned for a second summer event coming from us soon!
Beyond excited, I can see it now!!
Just wondering what the Youth VBS theme will be for 2014?
Matt, Youth VBS has the same theme!
OK, it’s just normally called something different and has a different look to it – like this year, “Thrill Seekers” instead of “Colossal Coaster World”.
My kids are signed up to participate in this VBS. Although, last year they were disapointed with the program. They said they felt like they were in a infant or toddler care program. They hope that this year’s theme and program is more age appropriate (cheesey quality). My children assume that this year will be better because of some family emergencies, they are really looking forward to this Vbs program this year.
I think they’ll have a Colossal time at VBS this year!
The videos embedded under Rotation sites on the blog videos link contains the decorating videos instead of the rotation videos. The decorating videos are in both places. Hopefully someone can correct the links. Thanks
Thanks for catching that Kyle! It has been corrected.