More VBS Decorating Ideas Coming Your Way
With VBS and camps just weeks away, we have some great tips and ideas to share on tomorrow’s Kids Ministry 101 Show.
Ann Oliver, preschool ministry leader from Paris, Tennessee, will share great preschool decorating ideas and fun extras for Amazing Wonders Aviation. Mark Jones, decorator extraordinaire from Oklahoma City, has AWA site ideas for even the most artistically challenged (which includes me).
CentriKid Camp specialists Jeremy Echols and Mary Carlisle will be on hand to help you get yourself and your kids ready for camp.
Also on the show will be Brian Haynes, author of Shift: What it Takes to Finally Reach Families Today, and Scott Kindig who will present three basic strategies parents and the church need to raise radical kids.
Join us tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Central at
We’ll be looking for you.
I am looking for decorating video ideas for preschool by Ann Oliver and cannot find them. Please help!
Danell, I regret that we do not have preschool decorating videos by Ann Oliver this year. We do have videos by both Mark Jones and Melita Thomas. They can be found at Click on Planning & Tips. Click on Downloads. You will find a tab for videos. There are two videos for each of the rotations.