Lifeway's VBS 2019 is …
Gas up the all-terrain vehicle and head out on a wilderness adventure like no other. Get up close and personal with elephants and egrets, polar bears and penguins, cockatoos and crocodiles, and so much more! Grab your camera and zoom in on these animals in their natural habitats. Maybe you can even snag a snapshot or two.
This summer kids will focus in on some amazing, real-life encounters with Jesus. Each encounter is like a snapshot—a speci c moment in time captured on the pages of Scripture. Through VBS, kids will discover that each snapshot of Jesus is an opportunity to respond to the gospel. And when put together, these isolated encounters clearly reveal the most amazing truth of all—Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing we can have life in His name. Are you ready for an up close and personal encounter with Jesus? The adventure of a lifetime awaits!

Biblical Content
For a more detailed look at the biblical content, click HERE.
DAY 1: Encounter in the Temple
Bible Story: Luke 2:41-52
The Point: Jesus knew why He came.
Bonus Verse: For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. John 6:38
Day 2: Encounter at the River
Bible Story: Matthew 3:1-17
The Point: Jesus is the Son of God.
Bonus Verse: I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God. John 1:34
Day 3: Encounter on the Water
Bible Story: Matthew 14:22-33
The Point: Jesus proved He is God’s Son.
Bonus Verse: Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1
Day 4: Encounter at the Tomb
Bible Story: John 20:1-18
The Point: Jesus rose from the dead.
Bonus Verse: Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
Day 5: Encounter on the Road
Bible Story: Luke 24:13-35
The Point: The Bible was written so I can believe.
Bonus Verse: So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ. Romans 10:17
What is the Bible stories for preschoolers?
The Bible stories are the same for preschoolers and children.
Just wondering for us craft teachers if there is a way to get a hold of a craft book early. It would help if you needing church members to start collecting materials for the crafts. The more time we have to collect the more opportunity to get enough for all the kids
Dec. 15th!
I am a craft teacher and was wondering if there is a way to k ow ehat the crafts are for In The Wild so that I can get church members to start collecting tendings if needed.
You’ll be able to see them December 15th … that’s when all of the curriculum pieces will be released.
Last year, I tried to get it at that time, and it was not out yet. Is there a way to ensure that we get the craft book then? I did not get the craft book or our curriculum until the first of January.
Dec. 15 is when stock is available in the warehouse and orders may begin processing. With the holidays it may take a bit of time to get to you. Sorry you had to wait!
Wondering when the craft book would be out. I would like to see if I could get hold of the crafts for 2019. It would be wonderful to start working on it now and get the church members to collect things that we may need. Thank you. Love the theme this next year.
December 15th!
Will the theme song contain the theme verse again like this year for Game On!? That was such a wonderful addition and our graded kids especially liked it in helping memorize the verse. Thanks for all the work creating amazing VBS!!
Where can you register for the Houston Tx event?
You can register here: Simply click the button for the Houston event.
Is the theme outdoors around the world? The video looks like an American forest, but the animals on the website are from all regions (polar bear, elephant, sloth, giraffe, etc). Just curious for decorating purposes. I know, I know; our church starts Game On this Sunday and I’m already thinking ahead! Thanks
Check out the rotation locations … you’ll see rain forests, swamps, grasslands, mountains, tundra, etc. represented & many of the amazing animals found in each place. So yes, it’s animals and locations from all over the world–everything that’s “in the wild!”
¿En español cúando?
“En la Naturaleza” estará disponible en español el 15 de diciembre.
What are the dates for conferences? Especially Ft. Worth.
You can find the dates, locations, and even go ahead and register here:
Will the theme song contain the theme verse again like this year? Our kids really liked that and it helped so much with verse memorization!
We loved it too! The 2019 theme song does not include the theme verse. The Day 5 song includes portions of it though!
Would it be possible to go ahead and get the mucic for In The Wild for 2019?
Everything will be available by Dec. 1st! Soon there will be previews of all of the In the Wild songs on
Loving 2019 themes. What is the Spanish name for “In the Wild”?
Kudos for the Spanish T-shirts in 2018!
“En la Naturaleza”
What colors are the tshirts?
The main t-shirt is a dark teal. The leader t-shirt will be a pocket tee in gray with the Bible verse on the back. Another t-shirt is a heather green and one is an oatmeal color.
One request for VBS 2019: Please keep the music and motions for music simple so participants may focus on the excitement of singing instead of getting the motions right. Motions need to be simple enough for 3 year olds and the uncoordinated among us with no dance or cheer background. Children unable to successfully do the motions lose interest or feel embarrassed and stop. Adopt KISS and Keep It Super Simple!
Thanks for the feedback, Melanie! We have simplified the motions for VBS 2019 and made them more repetitive. I hope you’ll be pleased with the changes! Also, keep in mind that the choreography is primarily designed for children who have completed 1st grade and up. We have additional music designed for 3 year olds through completed kindergarten with VERY simple motions. You might find that the little ones have more success with those music/motions!
We use the same music with all ages. I get with my choreography team (three of my youth girls) and we discuss what movements are easy for all ages to do. These young ladies do watch the video supplied, but then they alter the movements to work with all age children.
Is there any artwork available yet to clarify the rotation environments? I will be at “the watering hole,” and I was wondering if that is a waterfall type thing or a big puddle on the savannah. It would be so helpful to have a little more clarification so we can start planning for next year. Thanks!
You’ll be seeing more and more art in the coming days. Stay tuned! The watering hole is intended to be something more along the lines of what you’d see in the African savanna. A cool, refreshing spot where all of the animals gather together to drink life-giving water.
We are a small church. Is there an option for a 3 day VBS
I’d recommend you check out Backyard Kids Club. It’s perfect for small churches! It follows the same theme as the full-blown VBS each year, but you can also get the past 3 years of themes in addition to the current one … so that gives you lots of choices to be different from other churches in your area. There are still 5 days worth of lessons, but you can easily just do 3 days during VBS and save the other 2 for some other time.
Is there an option to attend without staying overnight? We are local .
To attend a VBS Preview event? Which one specifically?
I’m planning to attend the Fort Worth, TX training and it’ll be my first time. Since I’ll be flying from San Diego, CA, what are the scheduled hours for these trainings? Please let me know so I could plan accordingly with plane tickets whether I should arrive the night before or day off plus could I go back to SD after the training.
We have not yet finalized the schedule, but we typically begin registration around 11am and begin the opening session around 1pm on the first day. We typically wrap up around noon on the second day. Hope that’s enough to help you finalize travel plans!
Thank you! Yes, that should help me finalize my plane tickets soon. Hope to meet you in person.
Is there a way to have Bibles with larger print? Many kids have to focus so intently to read words and stay on the correct line that they fail to comprehend the meaning. Since the lessons for 2019 are from the New Testament, is it possible to have a large print New Testament?
Thanks for the feedback, Carol! A larger print Bible is much more expensive. So in order to keep the cost under $4 each and make it more affordable for most churches, we’ve historically had to go with the smaller print. However, each year we are able to review the options that are available. Perhaps next year a larger print option will be more affordable! If you’re looking for a great kids Bible with larger print, may I suggest the CSB Kids Bible. It’s currently on sale for $9.99!
I love the theme. I only ask that you keep the moves simple. We start at age 3 and go through age 103. Our teenagers even had a really hard time with this dance and out of over 175 in attendance we only got about 25-30 to be excited about the dance because it was so complicated. More repetition is good. Thanks for all you do.
Thanks for the feedback! We have made a concerted effort to simplify the choreography for 2019. I hope you will be pleased!
I’m so glad that you will simplify the moves next year. We spent a good portion of our precious time working on the complex moves this year. Also, keep in mind that some of us have a less space and can’t do a lot of maneuvers in the pews during worship rally especially.
I definitely appreciate and respect the concern of others and the children themselves, but I truly hope that y’all don’t oversimplify the motions; yes, it was a little difficult to learn and there was a lot of rewinding and slowing down the video, but after a dedicated week to pouring into the songs, my team and I were able to perform super well and when you really get the hang of them, the moves/dances are SO fun and fluid to do. I really love the dynamic flare “Game On” had this year. The kids did struggle a little bit, but during the music rotation, we went step-by-step and they all picked up on it pretty awesomely, even the the kindergarteners and the pre-K who performed the theme song for their parents on the celebration night. I already cannot wait for the other song previews for “In the Wild”! Thank you so much, Lifeway, for all of your devotion. 💛
Can you make a separate Bible study for churches that do VBS in the evenings? We have less time for a lot of the extra stuff and a lower cost basic teaching package would be nice. We end up having a lot of stuff we never use, especially with VBX because the 5-6 graders are “too cool” for a lot of the extra stuff.
Thank you so much for the Gospel focus of the whole program. Our church has two sites–so this is the second ‘GAME ON’ VBS. Enthusiastic reviews from volunteers, parents and kids! Music has clear Gospel message and easy for kids to learn quickly. Video was delightful. Looking forward to next year’s theme! Love it!
Will there be a session for use on the Kid Event Pro registration site?
No, but drop by the Creative Zone once you’re there and our VBS team can help you with any KidEvent Pro questions!
Looking for decorating ideas for our registration and check in area?? Its the first area our guest will see and want to set the mood.
Does Lifeway not have VBS Bible Study materials available for Jr. High age?
We do! Our VBX curriculum is designed for kids who’ve completed grades 5 and 6 and our Student VBS curriculum is for 7th-12th graders. So we’ve got you covered no matter what ages your church and school system include in Jr. High.
I can find the student guide but I can’t find the leader material. What is the leader guide called?
Where can we find breakout session info for the Houston preview next week?
Is the VBS books and songs in Spanish???
Yes! Everything is available in Spanish as well as English.
Are the songs on online anywhere so I can start learning the motions to teach the kiddos.
Yes! You can find them here:
Where can I view teen VBS curriculum?
Here you go:
Where can we find the animal polaroid pics/posters that were used for decorations at the VBS preview events?
On the Decorating Made Easy DVD-ROM!
for the musicians out there… in the STEMS package there is a 7th song named “Nobody but Jesus”, but in the charts, music sheets, rally and any music pack is not included… is that track like a sneak-peek for next year’s? Or the printed music is missing a song? Or should I go ahead and made my own charts and notes?
Thanks for the effort towards music, is always on point arrangements and lyrics!
Hey Alex! “Nobody But Jesus” is one of the preschool songs for In the Wild. We featured it onstage at our VBS Previews and had stem mixes made so that our band could perform it live. So as a bonus, it is available to you along with the Grades 1-6 songs for VBS 2019. Enjoy! You can find lyrics and sheet music for this and other preschool music rotation songs in the Preschool Music Rotation folder included in the 3s–Kindergarten Rotation Pack.
I went to a VBS preview at Ridgecrest and we used the green screen to take a photo. How do I purchase the background images that were being used that day. We want to set up a photo booth at our church for VBS
You can find those images on the Decorating Made Easy DVD-ROM!
Is the VBS Musical drama available in Spanish?
No it’s not, sorry.
Is it possible to pay for more clipart? I am looking specifically the other animals like meerkat, llama etc
Yes! TONS of clip art, theme art, and set design art are available to you on the DVD-ROM that is included in the Decorating Made Easy book.
That’s great, but not everyone gets that book. It would be nice to have clip art available if it is not included in each age group package.
Here you go, Nancy. You can find free clip art here:
Will you be releasing a clip of the daily video so that we can see what it’s like?
The “VBS 2019 Worship Rally Drama Trailer” is on our website at Simply click on “videos” and it’s the second one. You can also find it on YouTube and Vimeo.
Thank you, exactly what we were looking for.
2 things- I can’t find any tree clip art for the swamp. And where do I find 2 inch insulation foam
Tracing files for the “Bullfrog Bog” trees are in the Set Design Art folder on the Decorating Made Easy DVD-ROM. We get our 2-inch foam panels from Lowe’s or Home Depot.
Yo Lifeway,
Can we get a superhero theme in the next couple of years? Like….capes, flying, super strength, super speed, how Jesus is the ultimate super hero!
Surprised this hasn’t been a theme at some point in the last 10 years with all the hype over super hero movies!
Thanks for the suggestion!
What fonts are recommended to go along with this theme? Thanks!
Endurest is the header font. Proxima Nova is the body copy font.
Every year my church purchases the VBS kit. Is there a way get the music videos digitally? We have the discs, but I would like to upload them into our church presentation program to run our VBS more seamlessly. I can’t download them from the discs, or at least I couldn’t last year. Is this an option this year, or could it be in the future?
Yes, you can pull them directly off of Disc 2 of the Worship Rally DVD Set. Just open the ROM part of the disc in your computer, choose the folder (lyric videos, choreography videos, music videos, etc.) and just drag the files onto your computer. Easy! You can also purchase the video files digitally from, but you likely already have the Worship Rally DVD Set.
Thank you sooo much!
Where can I get the lyrics to all the songs for In The Wide?
Lyrics are in lots of places … Music Rotation Leader Guide, Worship Rally CD Set and DVD Set, in the preschool leader guides, Worship Rally booklet, The Music Book, etc.
Has Lifeway ever thought of making VBS just 4 days instead of 5. We struggle each year to get in the last day, because we and typically most other churches do a Family Night at the end of the week. Any thoughts?
Hi Frank! There are suggestions for alternate schedules in the Administrative Guide resources. You may want to check there to see if any of those ideas help. Churches use all kinds of different formats and schedules for VBS, so the resources are designed to be as flexible as possible. Many churches do a Family Night on the last day of VBS, either by adding on to the end of their schedule or abbreviating the last day of VBS in order to add in a Family Night. Others do Family Night on a completely different night as a “follow up” event. Tons of options … you just have to find what works for you.
Is there a way to get the app for the iPad that you can set up a green screen to take pictures with the animals like they did at the Preview event
Is there a place where we can get the words to the songs other than on the video?
Yes, tons of places! The Worship Rally Guide, Music Rotation Leader Guide, The Music Book, Worship Rally CD Set, and even some leader guides (preschool) all have the lyrics.
We just finished our VBS and always love our Lifeway materials!!! One suggestion that came from our preschool music leader was to use some of the “younger” generation to demonstrate the moves, just like you do for the school age kids.
Any suggestions of where to donate the used materials? Missionaries, etc.?
Contact your local Southern Baptist Association’s office or your state convention’s office. They usually know of local churches in need of curriculum or decorations.
We’ve passed on our VBS materials to another church and no longer have the info for the mission in Mozambique to send our offering. Would you please provide it. Thank you.
What DVD has the hand motions for the songs for preschool-k and 1st-5th kit?
Preschool motions are included on the DVD that’s attached to the inside cover of the preschool music rotation book (which is inside the 3s-K Rotation Pack). The 1st-6th motions can be found in the DVD included with the Grades 1–6 Music Rotation Guide, and the Worship Rally DVD Set.
Would you consider adding closed captions to the mission video?
I have a deaf student attending and trying interpret the mission video into ASL is challenging.
The music videos all have the words.
The missions videos are produced by and provided to us by our partners at the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board, so we are unable to add captions to them. However, we do provide a written summary of every video at the back of the missions rotation leader guides. You could provide them to your hearing impaired student ahead of showing the videos or use that text as the basis for interpreting into ASL. It’s not ideal, but maybe that is an immediate, workable solution.