National Day of Prayer for VBS
May 21st is the 2017 National Day of Prayer for Vacation Bible School.
Each year, the third Sunday of May is set aside as a day for churches to ask God to move through this thing we call Vacation Bible School. It is a time for churches to pray not only for their own VBS, but also for the ones taking place down the street and across the globe.
VBS remains one of the top evangelistic outreaches of the church, resulting in more than 75,000 professions of faith annually in the Southern Baptist Convention alone. Additionally, each year during VBS thousands of kids, teens, and adults respond to the calling of God on their lives and make public a decision to pursue a career in ministry or missions. Many of today’s church leaders, pastors, missionaries, and teachers share a similar testimony. VBS is important work! And it’s one we must undergird with prayer.
Here are six specific things you and your church can pray for as we observe together the National Day of Prayer for VBS.
- Ask for God’s blessing over your church’s VBS and all who will be involved.
- Pray for the teachers, volunteers, and workers who will serve during VBS. Ask God to receive their hours of preparation as a pleasing offering and for the Holy Spirit to be at work in and through them.
- Pray for the children who will attend VBS and the families they represent. Ask God to begin preparing their hearts to respond to the Good News they will hear at VBS. Pray for their physical safety and emotional well-being during the week.
- Pray for those who are unchurched in your community who will join your church for VBS. Ask God to soften your own heart and the hearts of your congregation to welcome, serve, and build relationships with everyone who enters your doors.
- Pray for those who will share the gospel during VBS and those who will follow-up with children, students, adults, and families. Ask the Holy Spirit to give them clarity, guidance, and discernment.
- Pray for churches around the world who will conduct a VBS, Backyard Kids Club, or other evangelistic outreach this summer. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be expanded. Thank God in advance for the blessings and opportunities He will provide through VBS.
A Prayer Calendar, Prayer Cards for each day of VBS, and a Prayerwalk Brochure are available on the CD-ROM included in the VBS 2017 Administrative Guide for Directors.
Is the prayer calendar available in Spanish?
Yes, it is included on the Preschool and Children’s Spanish CDs in the section of Administration. Item 6 “Oración” (Prayer)
Please pray for our vbs right here in South Gate California it’s gonna be on the last week of July!! Blessings
Pray for Immanuel Baptist Church of Compton, CA. Our VBS will be held July 24-28th. We are always amazed at what God does during VBS!
what is the date for 2018, please
It’s the third Sunday of May … May 20th.