VBS 2017 Preview Breakout Sessions
For VBS Groupies like you and me, what better way to begin a new year than by attending VBS Preview? In just a few short weeks Preview will be center stage at Ridgecrest Conference Center near Asheville, North Carolina, Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, and at First Baptist Church Hendersonville, Tennessee. Space is limited at all three locations so there is no time to snooze, register today by clicking on this link.
As always, there will be many breakout sessions to choose from, including the following:
- 8 Reasons To Do Adult VBS (Adult VBS)
- A Beginner’s Guide to KidEvent Pro (Administration)
- Adult VBS Extras (Adult VBS)
- Adult VBS Overview (Adult VBS)
- Associational VBS Team Leadership Update (SBC Associational Administration)
- Children’s Crafts Rotation Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Children’s Missions Rotation Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Children’s Music Rotation Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Children’s Recreation Rotation Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Connecting with Parents Through VBS (All)
- Creating Great VBS Celebrations (Administration)
- Decorating Made Easy (All)
- Discovering Preschoolers in Their Universe (Preschool)
- Enlisting Great VBS Leaders (Administration)
- Experienced VBS Directors (Administration)
- Finders, Keepers (All – Continued Connections)
- Galactic Ideas for Promoting VBS (Administration)
- Grades 1-2 Bible Study Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Grades 3-4 Bible Study Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Grades 5-6 (VBX) Study Overview (Grades 1-6)
- Grades 5-6 (VBX) Crafts and Recreation (Grades 1-6)
- Guiding Behavior at VBS (Preschool/Grades 1-6)
- How VBS is Developed – Be a part of the beginning! (All)
- Leading Kids to Christ (All)
- Music in Motion (All)
- New VBS Directors (Administration)
- On the Road with VBS (All – Mission VBS)
- Preschool Rotations Overview (Preschool)
- Preschool VBS Overview (Preschool)
- Starting a Backyard Kids Club (All)
- Student Extras (Grades 7-12)
- Student VBS Overview (Grades 7-12)
- Teaching Biblical Literacy to Kids (Grades 1-6)
- The Dos and Don’ts of Selecting Sites for Backyard Kids Club (All)
- The Littlest Dippers: Teaching Babies, Ones, and Twos in VBS (Preschool)
- Training Volunteer Superstars (Administration)
- Using Social Media to Promote VBS (All)
- Using Zip for Kids to Extend Your Summer Outreach (Administration)
- When the Stars Don’t Align (Preschool)
- Wishing Upon a Star DIY Decorations (All)
I’m not receiving VBS e-mails and updates like I have in previous years. Do I have to sign up each year?
I would like to know the name of the fonts used in VBS 2017. Would you please help me with this?
The word “Starveyors” is hand-drawn lettering. A font such as Origo or Manus could be used as an alternative.
“Oil Change” is used for the word “Galactic” in the logo and as headers throughout the curriculum.
“Londrina Solid” is used for the subtitle in the logo and as subtitles throughout the curriculum.
What do you suggest for decorating a 14ft x 40 ft room. This is the only room we have for bible school. The ceilings are 7 ft high. What covering do u recommend for walks and ceiling for the galactic surveyor bible school theme. We are a very small church and smalll budget. Thanks. I am completely clueless how to get started.
I have written a short skit for each night of VBS. I will be glad to share them with anyone that would like to use them. Please email me at [email protected]