16 Ways to Discourage VBS Workers
Wait until the last minute to enlist workers.
- Fail to provide a job description and clear expectations.
- Bend the rules for one worker but not another.
- Fail to enlist enough workers to adequately staff every class.
- Delegate responsibility but not authority.
- Fail to provide adequate training.
- Appear disorganized or to not have a plan.
- Have an “It’s my way or the highway,” attitude.
- Fail to provide supplies and resources.
- Do the same thing year after year after year.
- Fail to express appreciation sincerely and often.
- Fail to realize workers are sacrificing time with their families, their jobs, and other responsibilities.
- Talk/gossip about one worker with other workers.
- Fail to clearly communicate changes to the plan or schedule.
- Blow every issue out of proportion.
- Fail to give workers an opportunity to evaluate the event.
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