Event Planning 101 (Part 3)
Planning any event – including VBS – requires knowing the purpose (the who, what, why) of the event, diving into the details (the when, where, how) of the event, enlisting an awesome planning team, and promoting the event to the congregation and the community.
Now that the who, what, why, when, where, and how have been determined it is time to execute with focus. This is where organization truly becomes your best friend. Great plans can be quickly derailed by a lack of organization.
A great place to start is by creating a staging area. This can be a room, closet, or even a large box – any space that can be designated for a specific event. Your staging area is where you put everything purchased or collected for the event (curriculum, craft supplies, non-perishable snacks).
For the January VBS Preview we have resources and equipment that have to be stored from year to year, supplies that begin arriving six months in advance, and curriculum that often arrives only days before we leave for the first event. Warehouse space is required for long-term storage, but by the first of December (30 days prior to the first event) everything is brought out of storage, inventoried, labeled, and organized in a staging area. The staging area not only lets us see what we have, it makes what we are missing obvious as well.
Executing with focus requires a lot of communication – with the facility staff, with the planning team, and with workers. No one wants to get caught off guard or be out of the communication loop.
The final step of event planning is appreciating and evaluating. This may seem like two different things but seeking feedback from workers is one way of appreciating them. Evaluate not only the event itself but the processes that got you there. Look for areas that need improvement, but make sure to also take time to acknowledge and celebrate wins.
Looking for ways to improve your event? Make plans today to join Lifeway’s VBS team in January for Preview.
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