Want to Build a Submarine?
We have received several requests to see pictures of the submarine used for the VBS 2016 Worship Rally Videos as well as the stage set for the VBS16 Preview. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look.
You want to see more? Check out this video from our own team member Isaac MOV_2965
I regret we do not have plans for this set. It was a design-as-you-build project – which means the plans are in the heads of our designers and builders and not on paper.
I work at an associational office and I was wondering if I might have permission to utilize an article for VBS in our upcoming newsletter? I couldn’t find a contact us segment pertaining to VBS, so I figured this was a great way to contact. I would give credit to the author and the source of the article, if permission is granted.
Emily, please contact me – [email protected] – with the title of the article you wish to use. I’m sure we can work something out.
Where do we find ideas for submerge vbs? In past it was easy to go to website and find great ideas from others regarding crafts, decorating etcI can’t seem to find anything, have tried everything to no avail.
Best place to find Submerged ideas is on Pinterest. Type in LifeWayVBS and you will be treated to an amazing number is great ideas.
Our VBS committee cannot seem to find any information regarding the Louis & Skeeter VBS movie. We saw the movie trailer at the training, scheduled a movie night for our VBS, and now it’s disappeared. We can’t find it to order. Has it been cancelled?
Melissa, there is not a movie this year. The trailer you saw was for the Worship Rally daily videos. The movie was basically the five daily sessions tied together. You could create a similar experience by showing the five episodes back-to-back. Maybe use a stage host to provide dialog or entertainment between episodes.