Improving Your VBS Leadership
Several years ago I conducted an informal survey of VBS directors by asking the question: “How many of you consider yourselves to be leaders?” Of the 1000-plus people who responded, less than five percent did so favorably. As VBS directors they were all leaders – either volunteer or serving on a church staff – yet very few embraced the role. In reality, there are many leaders in VBS – including YOU!
I recently spent three days with a group of kidmin leaders and picked up some important reminders that apply to all levels of VBS leadership.
Share the vision and share it often. Translation – keep the objectives, goals, and your passion in front of the team.
Multiple your efforts by mentoring others. Translation – be the team’s teacher, coach, and encourager.
Out serve your servers. Translation – don’t ask the people you lead to do anything you are unwilling to do yourself.
It’s all about relationships. Translation – people won’t follow you until they know you care about them as individuals.
Give authority with responsibility. Translation – when you assign someone a task, give that person the authority to make the decisions required to complete the task.
Recognize the skills and abilities of others. Translation – identify and utilize the unique abilities, skills, talents, strengths, and interests of each member of the team.
Capitalize on the strengths of each team member. Translation – assign tasks based on strengths, but provide opportunities of weaknesses to become strengths.
Build a team – even if the team is only two people. Translation – don’t try to do everything yourself. Make your ministry a team effort.
Be a student, not a critic. Translation – instead of criticizing the actions and opinions of team members make an effort to learn why they do and think what they do.
So enjoy learning from these blogs. Very helpful. Love being a VBS director and working with much fun.