The TRUTH of the Matter Is… – Impossible Clue #3
Three cheers to Ben Rose (and others of you) who worked out the crossword puzzle in Clue #2 and discovered each line refers to a previous VBS theme, and letters in the blue boxes spell TRUTH.
It now seems obvious that TRUTH definitely has something to do with the theme, but how? Is it part of the title? The subtitle? The Biblical content? The primary Scripture verse? Or, like major clues in previous theme reveals, is merely there to distract you from the real clue?
Remember, in Impossible Clues the obvious is often misleading. You have to go deep into the mind of the clue creator to determine what he really wants you to see.
Speaking of previous themes, did you know that VBS 2016 will be the 20th year since The Wild and Wonderful Good News Stampede – the first of the big VBS themes. Hard to believe it has been 20 years.
Since then we have been on a Quest to the Stars, climbed Mt. Extreme, explored the Amazon, journeyed to London, New York, and on a Ramblin’ Road Trip. We have traveled in boats, jeeps, airplanes, outriggers, dog sleds, and horseback. We have explored God’s amazing wonders, the archeological splendors of Egypt, and thrilled to the colossal rides of an amusement park.
At times we wonder just how many more themes can there possibly be? But thankfully there is at least one more – and it just may be the best yet. Let’s see if you can figure it out by watching Impossible Clue #3.
Obviously the clues are getting easier. I think I may have figured out the TRUTH of Clue #3.
Be sure to join the fun by sharing your guess in the comments section, then sign up in the box below to be entered to win a VBS 2016 Jump Start Kit, Preschool Starter Kit, and Kids Starter Kit! Winners will be announced during the theme reveal party on June 1 – beginning right here at 12:40 CST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
For most of us VBS 2015 is still front and center on our minds. The biggest single week of VBS begins Monday, June 1, so there is much that still needs to be done.
Some of us still have workers to enlist – I must admit I’m still in that camp myself this year – and training opportunities have passed. Not to worry! We have a great last-minute opportunity for you to share with your workers. And the best part, they can be trained for the comfort of their very own homes or the local coffee shop. Click here to check out FREE Ministrygrid training tailored for your preschool and kids leaders. We also have FREE Journey Off the Map specific training available by clicking here.
Be sure to join me back here tomorrow for a special edition of Lifeway’s VBS Blog and Impossible Clue #4.
Still working on the answer
Right now, I’m going with western/Texas, but that may change.
I agree – video #2 had a picture of a mockingbird, and this video had a picture of a bluebonnet – the state bird and state flower of Texas.
2 Corinthians 5:17
It has something to do with Texas because of the Mockingbird and the bluebonnets. I taught the year of the Good News Stampede. It was so much fun! Saddle Up Your Horses. Hope this is something like that one!
Video one made me think of “I left my heart in San Francisco.”
Video two made me think of the California gold rush.
Video three makes me think of more things California…
So I’m going with California Gold Rush, Digging for Truth.
Well, after seeing the blue bonnets, the whole heart theme of video one could be Deep in the Heart of Texas. Searching for Truth in the heart of Texas!
If you know me at all you know you are playing my song! “The stars at night are big and bright. Deep in the Heart of Texas.” I personally can not think of a better theme.
Hi Jerry! I replied on someone’s comment and now it won’t let me submit an entry…..BUT my guess is something along the lines of Traveling Thru Time in the Heart of Texas: Searching for God’s Truth. Thanks!
It looks like a sports theme to me.
So far I have the “truth” from yesterday and something about birds… still thinking.
Have no idea, but can’t wait for Monday! 🙂
Is that a mockingbird or a mockingjay? Is LifeWay doing a Hunger Games theme? Because that would get a little wierd …
By the way … the bird may be a sparrow which was commonly used by King David in the Psalms and by Jesus in His parables and metaphors. Also, the three numbers displayed on the blocks are 5, 6, and 7, thus counting in sequence. The number 5 is the most prominent.
I present the Gospel of Luke, chapter 12, verses 6 thru 7:
“Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. Indeed, the hairs of your head are all counted. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Psalm 8 seems to be a good guess…stars, birds, angels…also could the theme have something to do with canoes??
Deep in the Heart of Texas!! Or Wild and Wonderful Good News Stampede Revisited 🙂
The blocks had stars and the mockingbird (Texas state bird). You can hear horses and a gate swinging open on video 2. The glove in this video is a rodeo glove. 2 Corinthians 5:6-7 (Walk by faith) or John 5: 1-9 (great Physician)
I think a lot of clues are pointing to Texas, so I’m now guessing a rodeo theme.
I think it is leading to a competition – Hunger Games type. Searching for truth. The numbers lead me to Deut 6:5-7.
I think something scientific
I am thinking they are going to do a ranch theme next year.
A space theme
Could be TX: bluebonnets, lone star, mockingbird, deep in the heart of, Texas two step (couple). Maybe that is reaching.
Could be Genesis: A good companion, stars, birds, plants, rainbow colors, God knocking, opening/closing the doors…where does the heart fall in?
Obviously we need to “Know” the “Truth”….. I think that the 0.07 at the very beginning means something too. We just did the secret agent so I assume it is just a little nod to that old theme. I also assume that the gorilla hands in this video are for this year’s theme and not the new one. I can’t wait to see the answer
I’m guessing something to do with Creation??
I’m still leaning something heart soul mind body a fitness theme.
Truth trackers
Truth Trackers was one of my favorite themes. I would love to do a similar theme again.
I keep going back to Day 1 and the blood flowing. Made me think of ‘Fantastic Voyage’ or the Monsanto ride at Disneyland. You know…a fantastic journey toward a new heart? Am I out on a limb here? Have I gone rogue? Up too late? Too many anchovies pizzas?
I can’t say whether it is the anchovies talking or not, but VBS 2016 is definitely going to be a fantastic journey! Since VBS and evangelism are one and the same, I hope every theme is about a “journey toward a new heart”. You are not as far out on the limb as you might think. Keep digging!
God speaks the truth as big as the heart of Texas
Mr. Jerry, I keep coming back to this post. Your TRUTH being capitalized makes me think of JOTM standing for Jouney Off the Map. LifeWay VBS team – you guys rock!
LifeWay’s VBS team think you all rock as well. Thanks for playing along.
This is so fun! My eleven year old son Nathan and I have a guess based on some brainstorming this evening.
The theme centers around submarines. The last clue has two buses going backwards. Bus spelled backwards is sub. There is also something that looks like a sub on one of the sides of the blocks in clip 3. Clip 2 is called “take a bath”, a water reference, and there is a “tone” that sounds like it may be a nautical loudspeaker playing in the middle of the clip. “Kearney” which is on the street sign in Clip 4 is a reference to the Destroyer Kearney that was hit by a German sub in WW2. Oh, and someone “clued the water hole”? Again, water.
Biblical content will center is evangelistc and centers around heart change. Clip one has a hidden frame with the words “Christiaan Barnard” in it, the first surgeon to perform a heart transpant. How do we change our heart? With a cleansing that comes from a relationship with God through a relationship with Jesus (his shed blood) and convinction by the Holy Spirit. (Baptism – take a bath – water reference once again) It’s a stretch, but the three isolated blocks in the corner could be trinitarian references.
So here’s my “impossible” guess
Next year’s theme:
“Submerge: Diving into the heart-changing truth”
Looks like we got the title exactly right! (but missed the subtitle just a bit). We’re still stoked for the new theme, though, and we’re glad to have figured it out!
I am still saying western themed… cowboy… maybe something about texas… california maybe?
Jessica, I sure hope you are correct. My boots are polished and ready!
Genesis – creator
the evolution of toys: retro to now
Some things change, but one truth remains the same
Each day I have thought something completely different. The last day has quotes from Toy Story, but I am doubting it will be any Disney type theme (although as a mother of young children, that would be awesome).
As I read others comments, I realize my thinkings are not as deep as others (may be the stress from trying to finish pulling everything together for JOTM in 3 weeks). I was at first thinking a science theme, but that doesn’t fit as well with the other clues. A Texas theme wouldn’t be bad, I am sure all the Texans would love it, and we have done Big Apple and other “city” based themes, so it wouldn’t be completely out there to think it could be something about Texas, but wasn’t the saddle up theme just a few years ago? Not sure it would be so similar yet. Really love the sparrow verse, one of my favorites, so having it as a theme verse would be awesome.