Student VBS in a Retreat Setting
Several people have asked about how to schedule Student VBS in a retreat setting. The VBS Guy (aka Jerry Wooley) has the following suggestion for a retreat that begins after dinner and ends at lunch. This schedule is just a guideline for creating your schedule feel free to adapt it to fit the needs and resources of your church.
First, try to figure out a way to use all five Bible study sessions. As you have probably noticed, each builds on the previous study and we believe it is important to see both the progression of Daniel’s life (from a teenager in session 2 to an old man in session 5) as well as how each session points to Jesus as our Guide.
FIRST DAY (EVENING)15 Minutes Icebreaker activity (check the Motivate section in each session plan for ideas)30 Minutes Worship60 Minutes Bible Study Session 130 Minutes Recreation & Snack60 Minutes Bible Study Session 2
SECOND DAY (MORNING)15 Minutes Icebreaker activity60 Minutes Bible Study Session 315 Minutes Active Worship (get the students moving)60 Minutes Bible Study Session 415 Minutes Recreation60 Minutes Bible Study Session 5
If your time does not end with lunch I would expand the worship and recreation times on the second day, eat lunch following Session 4, and finish the afternoon with more recreation and Session 5.Depending on how late you plan to allow the students to stay up you might have a Midnight Make and Take Session using some of the craft suggestions in the Bible Study Leader Guide.You may also consider adding a missions element to your retreat. Missions videos are on the DVD in the Student Starter Kit and plans for leading missions are included in the leader guide.
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