Help Us Plan Preview 2016
You probably think the headline to this post is a mistake. Right? How can I (why would I) be talking about VBS 2016 Preview when most churches are just beginning to think about VBS 2015?
When it comes to events as large as Preview we are always planning a year or more in advance. We have Preview dates on the calendar of one location for the year 2020.
Evaluation is a big part of planning. We are continually evaluating throughout the events. In fact, we made changes to the Fort Worth and Nashville Previews based on evaluations from guests attending the Ridgecrest Preview. In addition to evaluating as we go, the team gathers within a few days of the last event to hear from each other and to read the evaluations submitted by guests. We take time to evaluate because we want to make sure Preview continues to be a fun and relevant experience for both those who attend every year as well as VBS leaders who will attend for the very first time.
There is no time better than today to begin making plans to join us for VBS 2016 Preview. Registration information will be released June 1, but until then be sure to save the date for your favorite location.
January 8 – 9 at Ridgecrest Conference Center, Ridgecrest, North Carolina
January 15 – 16 at Travis Avenue Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas
January 21 – 22, 22 – 23, and 23 at Hermitage Hills Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee
I would like to invite you to join the VBS 2016 Preview planning team by sharing your ideas and wishes. I am especially interested in knowing what you would like to experience in the Creative Zone and the breakout topics you would like to have offered.
Instead of replying to this post, I’m asking you to respond by sending a direct message to me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I just LOVE people who plan ahead! I start planning & making set decorations in January for June (July this year). I’m “set decorator” at my church-Beech Haven Baptist in Athens, GA. I’ve been doing this for quite a few years & have always longed to be in the “inside” with Lifeway folks. We’ve hosted several GA Baptist Convention trainings. Some of my decorations have found their way to stuff you’ve posted, Pinterest, etc. I’d love to help y’all in Ridgecrest (closer) or Nashville. I’ve been to Nashville the last 3 years.
Two main thoughts: 1. Many churches can’t begin to come close to the wonderful decorations you do. Many would probably welcome a “bargain basement” version. Even my church, which is resource-blessed, stretches the budget. It’s my job to translate your great (but expensive) sets into the “affordable.” Many churches are begging for our leftovers. I’m the self-proclaimed “Queen of Cardboard” & instead of buying the foam & plywood, most of my stuff has recycled boxes behind it. 2. I think it might be time for a FARM theme. “Saddleridge Ranch” came close. Other possibilities: space, the sea, aboard Noah’s Ark, something back in Bible territory during Jesus’ time.
Sorry for being so wordy. I’m really passionate about decorating. It sets the mood for leading kids to Christ-the whole point of VBS! I’d love to join your group. There may be a way to send you pics of my creations, if you’re interested in what I’ve done.
(Ms.) Johnnie Steinberg
Jerry, this year we are having fun, making our scenes, from your ideas and making them our own. carpet tubes, boxes, Styrofoam, wood, paint, glue, etc, love to see what God has us do.try to send you pics. but I agree, 2016, should be creation, how it al started, noahs ark, , space=stars . etc. thanks for all you do, love reaching kids, youth, and adults thru VBS.
If this is not already a thing, a good Bible study, one for each session. A bible study to grow the leaders.
Matthew, we do provide devotionals for leaders AND for a really good study of the theme Scriptures check out the Adult VBS Starter Kit. You will find commentary and typically an expanded version of the daily Bible studies.
My friend and I , who lead the worship rally each year, have been hoping for an ocean/scuba diving theme. We do the character skits from the book each year and always have a blast bringing fun and humor to vbs!
my daughter has suggested an Olympic theme. It would be super cool for 2016 since that’s the next Summer Olympics but I know you already have the theme for next year. She’s also suggested an Egyptian theme.
How about an “in the beginning” theme? Telling the story of God’s creations from day 1… just a thought.”?
I am thinking a “travel to where it all began” theme. Lets follow in the steps of where our Savior was born , raised, miracles performed, crucified and rose again! m
I suggest a 1950s theame for 2016 it would be so cool and the decorations will be so fun to do and common who doesn’t love the 1950s
We sure would have fun music. See you at the hop!
I have a suggestion for a theme: Medieval decorations (knights, castles) and the scripture and teaching could be about putting on the full armor of God, becoming God’s prince/princess (how precious they are to God).
Second suggestion for music: In years past, the dance moves have included actual American Sign Language signing (e.g., the signs for God, Jesus, repent, life), but 2015 didn’t have that. Could you please incorporate more ASL into the dance moves? Our kids REALLY liked the rockin’ ABC song this year. They love the upbeat music with fun dance moves.
I would like to see some preschool crafts in the Creative Zone. I know they have examples in the Break out session, but I would like to be able to make them or get templates for them.