5 Ways to Stay Connected with Preschool Families from VBS
by Klista Storts
Connecting with new families is one of the main reasons for conducting Vacation Bible School in your community. If it’s not, you might need to take a closer look at why you’re doing it! And because we most often target elementary aged kids with VBS, you might be overlooking an important group that needs your connection – families with preschoolers. Here are five ways to consider how you can reach those families and keep them connected to your church.
- Pair up the child’s future Small Group or Sunday School teacher with the VBS leader when making a follow-up visit to a preschooler’s home. The child has bonded with the VBS teacher during the week, and chances are, so has the parent! That transition on Sunday morning should go a lot more smoothly once they’ve met.
- Enlist parents with similarly aged kids to connect with a specific preschool family. Give a gift card to help pay for a quick meal at a local kid-friendly restaurant to encourage them to make a play date.
- Offer classes on parenting, finances, marriage and other family issues that would benefit preschool parents. Now that they know you’ll take great care of their children, and made new friends of their own, they’ll be more likely to attend.
- Make sure they know you have other activities! Put together a calendar of future events and classes—include your Sunday morning services—and invite them to come. The number one reason people attend is because they were invited!
- Promise to meet them at the front door on their first Sunday morning. Show them where their children’s classes are, take them to your small group, and sit with them during worship! Everything is easier when you do it with a friend!
My prayer is that these will just get you started. Keep that connection going all year long. Love on these parents and their children. Let them know that your church cares, not just the week of VBS, but the other 51 weeks as well.
Let us know how your church connects! Blessings, friends!
Linda Lowber says
Hi Klista! You’re looking great! Good article, have a blessed day! Linda Lowber