Another Impossible Clue!
Glad you could find your way back from Clue Number 2. I could totally feel the driver’s frustration. A similar experience once dumped me in the middle of an Ohio cornfield. If the steeple of the church I was looking for had not been taller than anything else around I would have been stuck in that field until harvest.
For a traveler like me a GPS is a treasured essential, except when the little voice is determined my destination is in the middle of nowhere – like an Ohio cornfield. Or when you get to the point you know the correct way, which is a little different from the path GPS wants you to take, and the voice starts screaming at you to turn around. This usually happens as I’m nearing an airport. The signs give one set of directions and GPS gives another. I once upset the voice so badly she quit talking – which come to think about it was the most pleasant part of the trip.
In reality life can become filled with screaming voices that try to take you in a different direction. Thankfully there is one voice that will never mislead us. The challenge is to listen to that Voice and that Voice alone.
Sorry about that. I chased a rabbit for a minute. Now back to the purpose of this post. Have you figured out why this is one of my favorite weeks of the year? It’s spending the week with you! Your guesses and speculations provide entertainment money can’t buy.
Keep those guesses coming and tell me what you learn from this clue.
Have a guess? Share it in the comments section. Then sign up in the box below to be entered to win a VBS 2015 Jump Start Kit, Preschool Starter Kit, and Kids Starter Kit! Five winners will be announced during the theme reveal blog party on June 2.
Miss an impossible clue? Check out these posts from Tuesday and Wednesday to catch up!
Make sure to check back each day for a new set of clues leading up to the big reveal. Save the date and bookmark this page to join us at 1:00 PM (CST) Monday, June 2 for the live theme reveal!
Space the final frontier!!! I would love for us to go to space again. Loving the clues.
Lost in Space
I was thinking the theme would be “Jesus is the Only Way” given the past 2 clues were about directions, but this clue doesn’t seem to go along with that. So I’ll keep analyzing.
Ok. Now I’m really lost. Space is way too obvious. (Lost in Space?) Altho there seems to be a blast off, count down (3-2-1) theme
going on. HIS must stand for something. Or is it saying we are His? You really have my mind spinning now. Come on Monday.
There is also aai in this video that could stand for something. We could have the abbreviation of the title and the subtitle in this video.
Title: H_____ I_____ S____ A____ A_____ I______
Subtitle: A_____, A_____, I______ or H_____, I_____, S______
Best week of the year=VBS week!!!
I think it will be a water theme.
Thinking space but that seems way too obvious. I’m sure there will be a letter in each part of the clue that will spell out something. Remember how difficult AWA and CCW were? 🙂
I’ve had a couple different theory’s floating around in my head. With the past two clues I was thinking maybe some sort of island/map theme. But this one makes me think of possibly a car theme. Jesus is our Guide, the Bible is our GPS? I don’t know. Monday can’t come soon enough!
I also wonder if AAI is the abbreviation for the new VBS – kind of like AWA was Amazing Wonders Aviation.
Just a thought.
A journey off the map theme. Kind of goes with the space theme/ocean theme.
I am on board for Lost in Space and God being the light of the world. Isaiah 60:1 – “Arise, Jerusalem(31.7838N 35.2167E)! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you.
Swimming trojan cow goes to space.
Down to the Sea! Following Jesus definitely a great adventure as always right in time!
After searching all over for some connection between the Brazilian space agency and HIS, counting different colored fish and thinking about deep sea diving off the coast of Brazil, I realized I was off-track. Taking the h,i, and s from the rocket and the a,a, and i from the pack on the diver, I unscrambled them to make the name Isaiah. Isaiah 55: 8-10 says, ” For my thoughts are not you thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, . . . as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher . . .” I think we will be talking about how God’s ways, his order, and his directions, are not the ones we would choose.
Great idea! I like your thinking. My son is obsessed with the Spanish cow. His first thought was Star Wars related theme. Which the movies do go out of order, robots, outer space, 80’s items with stereo (cell phone caught my eyes). The Isaiah scripture could go with a theme like Star Wars. The knock, knock comment about who is there could refer to “Luke, I am your father” from movie, but we know God is always always there. Seeing your verse started me thinking about all these. Hmmmmm! Definitely an Isaiah in there somewhere.
I like this idea best so far!
New Life with Jesus? With you wherever you go? I’m excited about the reveal on Monday!
Isaiah 40:31: but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary;they will walk and not faint. (Clue #1 shows HIS and AIA…Isaiah? Also the soaring and growing weary in the search?
This has always been one of my favorite verses. Early this year when some of the VBS team went soaring I truly felt like an eagle must feel.
robots, space and sea… aae is an Aerospace & Defense Development Co. They design for the military. Their products include unmanned aircraft, a helicopter, and a ship to shore connector. And the Carnivorous Robot Cartographic Challenge leads to a challenge that is in creating a robotic car that is unmanned. HIS is an automotive interest group that includes car manufacturers including Audi, BMW, Porsche, Volkswagon. GPS.O.S. is GPS Operating System. Hmmm….this is going to drive me crazy! LOL There were 2 of each underwater creatures. 2 Lefts and 10 rights and the last right was Reverse or as I wrote it down Rev??? FM transmits global. I even put in those coordinates and they are all around Argentina in the ocean. I don’t know but maybe some of this will help collectively.
Maybe something to do with maps, finding your way by listening to Holy Spirit.. You guys always make the clues so hard!
I’ve been thinking about what the theme verse is, and it has been driving me crazy.
The Possible Verse
*Romans 1:8 – First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.
*Romans 10:8 – In fact, it says, “The message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart.” And that message is the very message about faith that we preach
*Revelations 1:8 – I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
*Isaiah 30:21 – Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
This verse matches with clue #2. The lady didn’t know whether to turn left or right, and the GPS (which was behind her) was giving directions… OK, so maybe I’ve spent too much time on these clues, but I sure do love a good mystery.
I really think you’re onto something with Isaiah 30:21. It kinda goes with the clues being in the 3-2-1 order. I really feel the verse is from Isaiah because of clye #1 had HIS and AAE (scrambled Isaiah), I scoured verses in Isaiah that fit, but missed the one you mentioned.
and what you mentioned about the directions and the voice being behind her. Yeah, i think we’re onto something here.
The odometer in the car read 639….So maybe the key verse is 6:39 of a book….or 10:21 (10 yards/ 2.1 miles) . Maps, space, sea…they’re all too obvious! What am I missing!? 🙂 🙂 🙂
hhhmmm….I liked the radio at the end! It seemed to be on 103…Is our focal verse going to be out of Psalm 103? It goes along with the GPS theme – His love stretches as far as the east is from the west and to the highest heavens (ie – HIS spaceship!)! INTERESTING!!!
Totally random guess of the day right here……..Mexican/Incan/Indiana Jones theme.
Space is to obvious. I am thinking something with travel or something like the game show The Amazing Race. However, I only think that because of the coordinates in the first video.
There sure is a lot of space in Space! Are you sure you are ready to scratch it from your list?
Neighborhood Road trip Odessy ?????
I am thinking maybe along the lines of Amazing Race. All the places they go and things they do, only we would do things to tell others about Christ!
the hubby things exploration or travel.
i’m thinking something about technology.
Only God knows and he is my GPS. Then a traveling theme.
Lot of retro stuff toward the end. Also, 29 stars, and maybe 29 objects.
Aliens – this world is not our home.