Being a VBS Director in One Simple Sentence
As part of the VBS team, I love hearing about everyone’s VBS. I thought you might like a glimpse into mine. I serve as the volunteer VBS director at our small church. (I really wish there was another “label” for the amazing, God-given ministry that gets the “small church” label, but that would be a whole other blog post!)
Like a lot of churches, our VBS is in the evening after most people have put in a full day’s work at their jobs. Because of that, we start with supper (or for my friends who live elsewhere, dinner). The bonus is that we pretty much have everyone there when we are ready to start Worship Rally.
One evening I was eating my meal with one of our second graders and her Bible study teacher. This little girl was new to our church and had really connected with her teacher. As we chatted over corn dogs and chips, the little girl looked at me and blurted out, “I know what your job is!” Amused, I smiled and asked, “Really? What is it?” With a big smile she replied, “You line people up!”
I start grinning every time I think about her comment. I loved it! VBS at my church, your church, and churches everywhere are filled with people who do so much to make VBS happen and reach out to kids who might not otherwise connect with our churches, even if no one notices.
So to all of you who share my job of “lining people up,” and the thousand and one things that go with being a volunteer VBS director, thanks for all that you do for the Kingdom.
I had to laugh just a little at your post. Yes Vbs Directors have a Large job! This was my 9th year as VBS Director. And the weeks prior to and the weeks after( when your trying to recoup ) I was thinking who could be the director next year. But honestly I do love it and I feel God has given me the heart and equipped me to be able to do it and love it. I give ALL VBS Directors a great big Thank You for all that they do. For His Glory, Jana
So true! Thanks for your Kingdom service, Jana!
Priceless!!! You are investing in the Kingdom of God. Lives are changed for all eternity. I have been able to do this now for almost 42 years. Too cool. There are people who love VBS who I have inspired!!!
42 years! Dr. Bill you’ve been directing since preschool?! =) Seriously, what an amazing impact you have had!
I love it, and yes that is one of our many jobs, I love being ( a liner uper) and all the other things that fall under director
Charlece, maybe we need special “liner upper” T-shirts. I’ll put that in the suggestion list! =)
Rhonda, I feel that our church is so blessed to have you and Richard leading us. I am so thankful God sent y’all to us. I hope LifeWay realizes what a treasure they have in you as their employee.
Thanks, Marilyn. We love y’all, too. I’m glad God brought us together.