And the VBS 2014 Theme Is…
So what do you think? Awesome isn’t it!!! Lifeway’s VBS team is jumping up and down with excitement. We love this day!
How many of the clues did YOU correctly guess? One? Three? None? Lifeway’s VBS team loves playing Impossible Clues and your response tells us you do too.
You made our day when so many of you decided the theme had something to do with a ship and video games. Who knows, we just might combine all of your ideas for the wildest VBS theme ever in 2015! That would be fun, but not as much fun as you and your kids will have with VBS 2014! And with this theme you do not have to wear 3D glasses all day! I kept telling you that details are everything, but just not every detail.
So are you ready to learn more?
Oh, you don’t know the theme yet? Well quit delaying and CLICK HERE NOW!
Now that everyone knows the theme, it is time to start uncovering the facts of Agency D3: Discover. Decide. Defend. Beginning today at 2:00 PM (CST) you will discover more details throughout the afternoon – beginning with my favorite part of the theme – the Bible content. So stay tuned and I’ll see you in a few minutes.
i was really hoping for the IRISH theme. You really had me going. The agency theme is cool though, the boys will love it for sure. Cant wait to hear the music.
Maybe one day i will get my irish theme VBS …. hint hint 😉
So sorry about the Irish theme. Maybe next year!
that would be my DREAM come true … i would want to do VBS every day for that entire year 🙂
Will you guys utilize Cando Cameron from WKS? My kids ALWAYS loved watching him. I was usually impressed by Cando as well.
We are not using Cando Cameron, but Rocket Pack Jack is the main character in the worship rally drama. The same guy who created Cando also created Rocket Pack Jack. I think you sons will enjoy him just as well. Also, the standup with be of Rocket Pack Jack as well and there may be (no promises) be a sixth segment to the worship rally drama especially designed to use during VBS Celebration (formerly known as Family Night).
Is there youth literature available for the 2014
That is awesome. Looking forward to seeing what the youth curriculum will be like. Also, will there be an adult curriculum? We had an adult class this year, and would like to have one in 2014. Thanks
Definitely! We have been creating/providing adult VBS resources for years. You are never too old for VBS! I encourage churches to promote the adult class as outreach to unchurched parents. This is a great way to share with parents what their children are learning.
It looks like the Craft Rotation Guide won’t be released until December. I’d really love to get information on the proposed crafts earlier than that, so we can start saving materials we might need.
December has been our curriculum release date for many years, but catalogs and promotional videos will be available in October and you will be able to see many of the crafts then.
Great theme. Can’t wait for 2014 VBS!
If the material is anything like this year’s it’s going to be awesome.
Still singing “Colossal Coaster Worrrrllllldd…” in my head! Compliments to the music team. Really well written music.
Simone, 2014 is awesome! You will love it!
I hope the choreography DVD’s are better next year. We just started our VBS and the older kids are not happy with this years DVD’s! Jamie Grace is not a good leader in the DVD’s she looks stiff and just doesn’t get into it. They miss having a crazy leader doing the motions for them to follow that really gets into it and they did not like the fact the songs were not done on location like a theme park!
Sorry, this is the first time I’m not excited about an upcoming VBS. I don’t think the kids will get excited about this one either. We just finished 2013 roller coaster theme. The kids loved it. In 2012 we had a plane for the kids to climb into and this year a roller coaster. Sorry no secret agency laying around. Bummer!
Jane, I understand your concern, but if the number of agent/spy movies and television shows for kids is any indication kids will love Agency D3. Several churches have reported that when they announced Agency D3 as the theme for their VBS next summer the kids cheered! That is as good as it gets! I guarantee our editors and designers have created an over-the-top experience plus the Bible content couldn’t be stronger. Teaching boys and girls to defend their faith is critical to standing strong against the opposition they will receive from a non-believing world. Agency D3 will not only introduce kids to Jesus Christ, but give them the tools to – as the motto says – discover, decide and defend! Give it a second look. You won’t be disappointed.
Would love to see a Special Ed Leader pack that contains similar info as the other ones. We feel left out!
I was glad to see that VBS 2012 had a lot of what we love about Lifeway’s VBS. I was disappointed in the Video clips, it seemed to be more of a Movie clips than biblical teaching. Using the word jerk a couple of times and the boy gets the girl in the end were not the messages we wanted the kids to take home. We love the idea of next year’s VBS theme. Yet this is the first time we have considered shopping elsewhere for VBS curriculium. Are the video clips going to be in the same nature as this past year?
I have a question…usually you do a couple of themes. I’m not really into the theme for 2014 of the spy stuff. Don’t you usually offer two VBS choices? I would hate to go anywhere else for VBS…I use Lifeway every year. Could you please let me know if there is another theme?
Hey Tina! 2013 was the last year for Club VBS, but we’ll be announcing a new product August 15th, so stay tuned!
Love the new theme! I can see volunteers & children alike having lots of fun with it!
One question: Will you be offering a curriculum for younger (preschool) missions in VBS 2013?
We believe missions is a big part of VBS! We have mission rotation resources for both preschool and children.
Please make vbs 2015 gender neutral in theme!!!!!
Have to say that the 2014 missions DVD isn’t very kid friendly. We have found it doesn’t hold the attention of the younger children; the concept is over their heads. Consequently, they become bored quickly. We found ourselves “inventing” ideas to keep them focused. And the DVD for the 3-Kindergarten group is basically the same as the one used for grades 1-6.
Praying that mission material/videos for 2015 keep things on a level that is easy for everyone to understand. Kids learn more when they stay entertained.
Thanks for your comments Lee.