4 Things to Remember for VBS Registration!
VBS registration is important to any successful VBS. It helps you estimate how many children you need to prepare for, and it is also an important tool to use during follow-up. Here are some hints to make registration easy and useful.
- Pre-register your church kids. Any time that you can pre-register kids, it helps you estimate the number of children you need to prepare for and it helps to speed up the registration process on the first day of VBS. Set up a registration booth outside the sanctuary or in the welcome center two to three weeks before VBS to allow time for church members to pre-register their children.
- Online registration. Some churches offer online registration. This allows parents to register their children at their convenience and if you have a link on your website for online registration, it can help those who will be visiting your church to pre-register.
- Offer registration every day of VBS. You will have some children who only come to VBS one day, and for some it may be the very last day. Therefore make sure you have registration every day so that you can gather information from every child who visits your church.
- Get complete information. I know on the morning of VBS parents are in a hurry and children want to get to their rooms, but make sure that registration forms are completely filled out. Any information that is left off makes it harder to follow up with the child and his or her family after VBS is over.
VBS Registration Flyers can be purchased at your nearest Lifeway store or online. Each flyer features a customizable Colossal Coaster World announcement on one side and a ready-made registration form on the other. Flyers are perforated so parents can return the registration form and keep the announcement as a VBS reminder. You can also find registration forms on the Administrative Guide CD-ROM in the Director’s Helps folder.
I could not find the form the we are supposed to turn into the Baptist State Convention and Associational Offices about our VBS.
I believe you’re looking for the VBS Report Form. It is available in the Administrative Guide/CD-ROM and also online at https://vbs.lifeway.com/downloads/ Simply click on the “helps” tab and it’s the 4th one down on the left.