Preview Recap: Nashville & Kissimmee
The VBS team has been traveling since January, and we just had our last VBS Preview event. It has been a great month getting to share Colossal Coaster World with all of you and hearing about the different things you all do in your churches for VBS. This post will mostly have pictures, so enjoy and begin making plans to attend a VBS Preview next year!
Welcome to the theme park! I love how this set looked in the Design Lab at Nashville!
Everyone loved the Tilt-a-Whirl Fun Mix Snack and the smell of popcorn filled the air!
The winners of the Colossal Coaster Cars Snack Decorating Contests!
Here’s a panorama view of the Design Lab and Creative Zone at the Preview in Kissimmee.
Can you find Melita in this set?
The Design Lab Team
The Creative Zone Team (minus Carol who is not pictured)
I really enjoyed the preview event. This was the first one i’ve attended. Melita was just as fun in person as she seems to be in the videos. I learned so much, from safety tips, decorating tips, and how to plant the seeds for salvation in preschoolers. This was an awesome time. My only disappointment was that a couple of the ‘workshops’ I was interested in were held at the same time and only once, so I was unable to attend them both. But all in all a positive experience.