On Today's Agenda . . .
As a member of the VBS Team, I get this question a lot: “You mean you have stuff to do all year?” Yes, yes, and yes! I was at the dentist office recently and the receptionist said to me, “Now that VBS is over, I guess your work has slowed down.” Au contraire, mon ami! We are in the crunch of trying to get 2013 ready and to the printer, and beginning development of 2014, all while churches are wrapping up and evaluating VBS 2012!
I keep a set of index cards, one product per card, and I write on each card what steps have been completed so I can keep up! Here’s my current rundown. . . .
1) Worship Rally DVD
• THE DRAMA: Working with the video editor on a daily basis right now; got approval from my management team on the content and overall appearance just a couple of days ago. Waiting for the editor to make final tweaks and send me an approval copy.
• THE CHOREOGRAPHY: Performance segments have been approved. Viewed the instruction segments over the weekend, and three corrections need to be made. I’m waiting to see those ASAP.
• ABC segment: Video editor #2 is working on that now. It’s due to me any minute for my approval.
• Still waiting to see “Scenic Footage” segment and the “Video Trailer.”
• I’ve created the DVD menu and just sent it to the DVD author.
2) Music Rotation Leader Guide
• Received a final approval copy from the graphic designer. This is being routed through our production editor and editorial project leader first, then will come back to me with any needed corrections marked.
3) Club VBS: Jungle Jaunt DVD
• This is due to me from the DVD author today. If everything looks OK, it will go on to the duplicator.
4) Spanish VBS Choreography DVD
• Talent enlisted. Waiting to receive Spanish recording and typeset music to send to her so she can create the choreography. (It has to be different because many of the words differ from the English versions!)
There are more products on my list, but this is probably more info than you care to read already! I will say, though, that everyone on my team feels fortunate to be able to work on VBS products. So, next time you’re wondering—yes, we have enough to do all year (and we are thankful for that)!
thank you for your dedication to VBS. God Bless You!
I’m working on my roller coaster for next year I bought a golf cart and got 2 parts carts to build on. you can keep up with it at https://www.facebook.com/VBSman
THIS ALL SOUNDS SOOOOO EXCITING!!!!!!! Lots of work, that pays off eternally for who knows how many souls—you are so blessed!! Love that I get to just 1 pair of feet that gets to bring this Good News to my community…no role is any less significant! Thank you all who work so diligently throughout the year for VBS and its’ impact on children (and adults)!!!!!