Foto Friday. . .Black Friday & a Surprise! ! !
Football games have been watched. . .parades have been viewed. . .family has been visited with. . .family prank phone calls have been made (that’s actually MY family! lol!). Thanksgiving is over. We are all stuffed!
A lot of people are just now waking up from their turkey coma. . .Not me!
By time you read this post, I have probably been up for several hours! Why? I love going out early on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) and finding at least one item to get. Sometimes the jokester/prankster in me wants to wake up early, stand in the incredible long line, just to buy some small, regular item, like toothpaste or toilet paper! It just cracks me up thinking about it! But unfortunately, no one else would probably find it funny! LOL!
Why do I like doing this? I’m not sure. It could be that when I was in college and worked for The Disney Store, I would always work the day after Thanksgiving! It was. . .fun, exciting, busy, CRAZY! I enjoyed interacting with our guests (that was our terminology for customers at Disney). When I say it was crazy/busy, I mean it! Our store was right next to the food court. When my 30 minute break would come up, I couldn’t make it out of the store, to the food court and back in time!
My joy of Black Friday could also come from the time when I was out early searching for Tickle Me Elmo. Do you all remember that toy and the excitement of trying to find it on the day after Thanksgiving? Well, I do! I was dating a young lady while in college and she absolutely LOVED Elmo. So, the day after Thanksgiving rolls around and I’m out hunting for Tickle Me Elmo’s. I drove all around trying to find one! I finally went to Target and they had just sold out of their last one. On a whim, I asked the salesperson if I could get a raincheck and he said okay! A week later, I received the “gotta have” toy!
Don’t forget to check out the Lifeway Stores After-Thanksgiving sale.
Okay, I mentioned a surprise. One of my jobs on the VBS team is to work on the promotional items. I am starting to get my samples in and I decided to put together 3 grab bags of VBS 2012 Amazing Wonders Aviation promotional items. The first grab bag will go to the very first person who leaves a comment. The second and third grab bag will be randomly picked from the remaining people who comment. All comments need to be in by Thursday, December 1st (11:59 pm CST). I’ll announce the winners on December 2, 2011.
I can’t wait for my supper sampler to arrive. Really looking forward to 2012 VBS. This year we are finally going to actually do the VBX. Our VBS has grown the point that if we want to reach the 5th and 6th graders we have to make it more interesting for you. Looking forward to looking through all the material.
Have a great day people!!
Wow! What a great idea! I’m not a black Friday shopper myself-at least not the all nighter. I may venture into town after lunch! It would be great to win a grab bag!
Cute picture!
So what did you get today? And how early did you go?
I went to midnight shopping for board games and also bought 2 cans of Rotel. I so get the feeling of buying “regular” stuff!
Love the picture Keith… You know, I always wanted to be a cast member at a Disney Store! Cool job!
Here’s hoping that you had a great Thanksgiving and got some good bargains this morning! I hit Toys R Us around 8 AM just to pick up my online purchases and it actually was not too bad.
Well, only 241 more days until VBS 2012 at Mason Dixon Baptist Church!!! I need to go find some of those ornament revolver thingies… I still plan to revolve the large glove from the ceiling in the foyer of the Church. I can see it in my head… up there surrounded by tons of white twinkle lights…. it is going to be GREAT!
Looking forward to seeing you in Nashville in January! Look out Nashville, crazy Pennsylvanians coming your way!
I’m broke. So I could definitely use some promo items!! I can’t wait to see everything that you have! I will be in Nashville in January as well!! Can’t wait!! Very excited!!
Joyce, congrats on being the first person to comment. . .and so early too! Thanks for everyone else responding too!
Thanks Gloria, that photo of me with Mickey and Minnie was taken at our grand opening of my Disney Store.
Holly, I have a confession to make, I actually didn’t get out as early as I usually do. 🙁 Honestly, I couldn’t find anything I just had to have in the sales papers. But my wife did let me know around lunch time (Black Friday) that there was a toy that our daughter wanted and as it turns out, it seems to be one of the “got-to-have” toys! I got very lucky and found the last one at the Navy Exchange! woohhoo!
Tammy, you sound like someone with my sense of humor! lol!
Susan and Karen, be sure to drop by the EXPO when you are in Nashville and say hi!
I wish I could do a grab bag for everyone! 🙂
Laughed aboutTickle-me-Elmo. My daughter and I searched and find one for Christmas for my granddaughter, who announced on Christmas eve “I don’t like Elmo!”
Looking forward to the Preview!
So ready to get started on VBS 2012! Love the picture and the sweater.
Love the sweater. Looking forward to an “AMAZING” VBS 2012!
I am super excited for summer to come with vbs on it’s heels. This is going to be GREAT! But until then Merry Christmas and God Bless to all
Looking forward to VBS stuff to hit the stores. I’m on a “call when it gets here list.”. Looking forward to preview and meeting new friends.
Waiting for VBS stuff to come in is MORE exciting than black Friday shopping! Hurry up and wait!
Oh, I forgot! Big THANK YOU- for the new preview location, Kissimee, FL!
I love going out on Black Friday! I love the excitement and I met some really neat people while standing in line this year!
I am a cashier at a supercenter (Meijer, here in Michigan) and also LOVE working Black Friday!! The time just flies by and the excitement is contagious, (not to mention how fun it is getting to see and touch so many things I just cannot afford). LOL! Speaking of excitement, I’m going to a VBS Preview event this weekend and CANNOT WAIT!!
Can’t wait for VBS 2012!!! My co-workers think I’m crazy because I’m always planning for VBS and super excited about it! This year I want to hang a life size plane from our gym ceiling! I can just picture it now… lol!
Love the sweater and the Black Friday stories, I worked retail many years and used to love working Black Friday! It’s so fun!
Well here in Loganville, GA we are already planning for VBS 2012! VBS creates great excitement and everyone gets involved. I personally love it and cannot wait.
BTW…working for Disney would be my dream job.
I must admit I hate to shop. So, i did an online purchase late on Thanksgiving, then volunteered to watch my two nephews (and infant and a toddler) so my sister could go midnight shopping. She took my teenager – seemed like a fair trade!
Looking forward to VBS 2012! I’ll see you at VBSI Fort Worth.
i love black friday! fun family tradition! and I would love to win a grab bag 🙂
My favorite thing to do on Black Friday is to stay home!
The Super Sampler arrived at our church today. It was so much fun unpacking it and displaying everything in our office! There are so many great promotional items.
I’m not a Black Friday shopper, but I am a total VBS junkie.