Zip for Kids
Zip Tip- Recruiting Leaders
Zip Tip: Training Time Management
Zip Tip for Training Leaders: Intentionality
Some of the most valuable training I ever received when I worked with CentriKid Camps was through scenarios. Equipped with my Bible and the hopes of being to think on my feet, another leader would draw a scenario out of a hat and act it out while I attempted to respond appropriately. Sometimes, the scenarios…
Zip Tip: Preschool Terms
For those of you using Zip for Preschool, you will want to familiarize yourself with a few terms. So here’s a short description of what we mean when we use the terms Large Group and Small Group for preschool: Large Group—all preschoolers together to hear the Bible story. The story may be shown via video…
A Zip Snapshot
Cornerstone Church in Cheshire CT has taken to heart one of the central goals of Zip for Kids to be completely customizable. Neisa Nuñez, who with her husband Freddy leads the Cornerstone kids ministry, started using Zip with the church’s kids in April. Cornerstone was starting a mid-week program, Faith Factory Kids Club, to mirror its Faith…