Welcome to Spark Studios!
The secret is out! Lifeway’s VBS for the summer of 2022 is …

Get those creative juices flowing at Spark Studios where imagination is ignited and creativity is awakened. Whether kids are exploring their artistic side in the Bible Study Studio or Crafts Design Center, laying down a track at the Music Sound Stage, or bringing inventions to life at the Missions Workshop, they will learn, like King David, to use their talents to bring glory to God. They will discover that their creativity is a gift from the infinitely creative Creator who designed them for His glory.
God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis! The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us—His creation—to the original design He planned for us. We are His workmanship (Eph. 2:10)—a masterpiece in process. So what are you waiting for? Spark your imagination and kick your creativity into high gear at Spark Studios.
VBS Scripture: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 (CSB)
Motto: Created! Designed! Empowered!
Bible Story : David Praised God the Creator (Acts 13:21-23; Psalm 104)
The Point: God is the marvelous Creator.
Bonus Verse: How countless are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24
Bible Story: God Prepared David to Be a King (1 Samuel 16)
The Point: God uniquely designed us for His purpose.
Bonus Verse: Humans do not see what the LORD sees, for humans see what is visible, but the LORD sees the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7b
Bible Story: The People Welcomed Jesus (Psalm 118:26; Acts 13:21-23; Matthew 21:1-11)
The Point: Jesus is the King that God promised to save us.
Bonus Verse: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven! Matthew 21:9b
Bible Story: Jesus Died and Rose Again (Luke 23:13-25,44-56; 24:1-12,36-49)
The Point: Jesus fulfilled God’s plan to save us.
Bonus Verse: He also said to them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead the third day.” Luke 24:46
Bible Story: God Sent the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-14; Acts 2)
Today’s Point: The Holy Spirit gives us the power to follow God’s plan.
Bonus Verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

Site Locations:
Worship Rally Imaginarium
Bible Study Studio
Crafts Design Center
Missions Workshop
Music Sound Stage
Recreation Station
Snack Pavilion
To learn more about Spark Studios, download the theme reveal video, and preview the theme song, visit our website.
Sounds like a great VBS to look forward to! Thank y’all for all you do!
Sounds like a fun VBS. Are there going to be in person trainings that churches and associations can attend even if we have to go out of state. If so, where will they be offered?
Yes! We will have in-person VBS Preview events again this year. You can find dates and locations here: https://vbs.lifeway.com/vbs-2022-preview-events/
If you are in Florida, there will be 7 training opportunities. Facebook has a post with the dates and locations. Search “Florida Baptist Convention”. The website of the Florida Baptist Convention should also have the same information.
My mind is already spinning . . . I teach missions every year, and am already envisioning a giant Rube Goldberg machine in the Missions Workshop, added to every day. I just need a missions related “task” for the machine to accomplish . . .
Can’t wait to hear decorating ideas for this theme!!!
When is the VBS conference at Ridgecrest in 2022. Thought I received a notice and it was the last of January this time.
That’s correct! You can see all of the dates and locations here: https://vbs.lifeway.com/vbs-2022-preview-events/
Are the kindergarten stories, verses, and points the same as above? If not, is there a place to find them this early?
The stories are the same, yes. The points are adjusted for age appropriateness.
I am soooooo excited !!! VBS is my thing and I enjoy thinking outside of the box for vbs decorations and I so enjoy building up the kids a year in advance for VBS ! It keeps me young at heart and pressing on to reach kids to Christ and grow our church! Thank y’all for all you do!
I have never enjoyed my time so much like spending it on VBS with my beloved son. Thank you for preparing this fun VBS.
God bless you ❤️
Please let me know how can I help.
Would love to see some preview pictures of the crafts, so we can start planning. Love the theme, can’t wait!
Are the nursery stories the same as others? If not, where can we find them?
Babies–2s will have a different set of foundational Bible stories, as they are on their own 3-year scope and sequence. You’ll be able to see the full outline when the full VBS website is updated to Spark Studios in October.
We just finished up with Destination Dig and we are all excited about VBS 2022. So far I really love what I am seeing. Can’t wait to see the rest
Has any thought been given to making VBS 2022 Conference available via Zoom given travel limitations due to pandemic for some countries?
Hey Taj! We did a virtual VBS Preview this past January and are really looking forward to being back together in person next year! There may be some virtual options later in the year … stay tuned!
When will the Backyard Version be available?
December 1, 2021
I can’t wait for next year’s VBS. So bring the decorations!
Does anyone ideas for a type of Workshop for Missions? Artist? Woodwork? Ect?
When will the full soundtrack be released? Sorry, first-timer here!
December 1, 2021
Will there be daily drama skits? I’m the theater director for my church and cant seem to find anything about a script or any kind of skits
Yes! We have a full-blown children’s musical available to go along with this theme that uses all 6 VBS songs plus a multi-character cast. That can be found in “The Music Book.” Then we also have daily drama skits in the Worship Rally Guide. Typically that’s a 2-person skit in both opening and closing rally each day, but this year it’s written for a single person (Professor Spark), who uses scripted “object lessons” to introduce and review the main point for each day. We also offer a daily episodic video series on the Worship Rally DVD Set. Lots of options to choose from!
Where is the trailer for the daily drama?
I wanted to show it to our parents so they got a “taste” of what the students saw all week, but I can’t find it on any of the CDs, downloads, YouTube, or Vimeo
Sorry, Kelly, we didn’t make a trailer this year.
Is there a place I can find out the details on some of the recreation games?
Yes sir! You can download the digital version of the Recreation Cards here: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/vbs-2022-recreation-rotation-leader-cards-digital-P005837918
There was an option several years ago to post a Church’s specific VBS info (dates, times, church name & location, etc) on Lifeway’s website but I have not been able to find this feature the last few years – does this option exit now?
That option was available through our online event management tool KidEvent Pro (formerly VBS Tools Online). You still have the option to list your VBS as searchable through KidEvent Pro, but it is only viewable by other KidEvent Pro users.
Does anyone know where I can find the preschool music from the 2004 VBS Rickshaw Rally?
Would like to know if anybody has had to change format of their VBS days since there gas been a decline in kids showing up for it. We tried last year using the weekend both days, even during Sunday school and still didn’t get many kids in. Has anybody got any ideas to get outside kids in?
Where’s the artwork/slide of the memory verse? That’s usually included in the downloads/clipart…
A few places … it’s part of the training PowerPoint included with the Administrative Guide, on disc 2 of the Worship Rally CD Set, or the digital download equivalent of disc 2 here: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/vbs-2022-worship-rally-powerpoints-and-digital-files-P005837938.
Is there any way to find just a track (no vocals) for the theme song?