From the Archives: Planning for VBS Follow-Up
As we all know too well, VBS follow-up or continued connections does not automatically happen just because we hope or assume it will. Over the past few years the blog has included multiple posts on the importance of being intentional about follow-up. Connections begin during VBS and it is our responsibility to insure those connections are strengthened following VBS. The following five points challenge leaders to make follow-up an intentional part of every aspect of VBS from enlistment of workers through the activities following the week.
Each VBS director and teacher should be enlisted with an understanding that follow-up (continued connections) is part of the task. If possible, follow-up should take place during the week of Vacation Bible School. Everyone can help with the task. Don’t allow “lack of commitment” to take control.
When training events take place, workers should be encouraged and taught how to make a follow-up visit. A simple visit on the front porch may open doors for future outreach opportunities.
As directors and teachers prepare for their teaching experiences, they should set aside time for follow-up visits with their children. Encourage department leaders to fill out registration cards completely.
The week of Vacation Bible School will offer opportunities to encourage leaders to follow-up and to evaluate the actual follow-up process. Check registration cards for complete information, encourage visits, write notes to parents, and encourage the family to attend family night activities together.
If you church utilizes an evangelistic outreach team, be sure that the leadership has the names and contact information of prospects as soon as possible.
We’re celebrating 90 – that’s 90 years of providing the very best VBS curriculum, resources, and training – by going to the archives for ideas and advice that is just as relevant today as the day it was first printed. This post is an excerpt from a 2002 VBS worker training plan.
We are starting a youth class on Wednesday nights, something that we have had in the past, but let slip thru our hands because of lack of help or concern for our children of our community. I am helping jumpstart this project off the ground again, if we can keep enough interest, I know we can do this. I know God is heading this and backing it..We have to do something to help guide our children of our next generations…Please Pray for our adventures with these children, and God willing we can help lead a child to Jesus….