Zip Tip: Planning for Preschool
Did you know that the Zip line of curriculum includes a preschool component? Do you have preschoolers that need to be engaged during the Summer, on Wednesday night, or just about any other time? Check out Zip for Preschool. It just might be the answer to all life’s problems! (well, maybe not, but it will definitely be a start)
Here are a few tips to get you started on the right foot. For more details be sure to check out Zip Preschool.
- Determine your Target Group—how many kids will you have at Zip? What ages will you plan for?
- Set your Schedule—determine the length of your event. Break down the schedule according to your kids’ interests, leaders’ abilities, and available resources.
- Plan your Tracks—look around your church at the gifts and talents of your adults. Enlist adults or even older teens to lead tracks. Be sure to enlist assistant teachers.
- Plan your Bible Study—decide if you will use the Old Testament stories, New Testament stories, or both. Determine if you will teach the opening and closing portions of each session.
- Gather your supplies—post lists of needed items. Plan to purchase items that cannot be donated or borrowed from church members or the community.
Are you ready to engage the preschoolers in your zip code? We would love to hear how you plan to use Zip for Preschool, share your comments and ideas with us here.
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