Where in the World is Rocket Pack Jack?
Rocket Pack Jack has been flying all over America, stopping in to see some of you guys along the way.
If you haven’t kept up with Rocket Pack Jack or know about his travels, check out this blog: https://lifewayvbs.wpengine.com/2013/10/15/where-in-the-world-is-rocket-pack-jack/
Last week, Rocket Pack Jack was seen on location at the VBS Preview in Nashville, Tennessee. He hung out in the Creative Zone a while, and may have even snapped some photos with some of you guys who were here.
Comment to tell us where you have seen Rocket Pack Jack… and either of the two in the picture count! You can even email me your pictures at [email protected] and you might see them on an upcoming blog.
Did anyone make it to the Nashville VBS Preview last week? Comment with your favorite part//what you found to be the most beneficial during your time here!
Last night he was in my living room for our Super Bowl party.
It would be awesome to have him vist Rockville, Indiana.